Cut 66% Off Your Amazon FBA Referral Fees from ALL External Traffic Sales (Amazon Attribution Links)

Cut 66% Off Your Amazon FBA Referral Fees from ALL External Traffic Sales (Amazon Attribution Links)

March 14, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. How to Get 10% Off Your Referral Fees on Amazon

3. Setting Up Amazon Attribution Links

4. Benefits of the Brand Referral Bonus Program

5. Enrolling in the Brand Referral Bonus Program

6. Generating Referral Tags

7. Using the Amazon Attribution Program

8. Creating Campaigns in the Advertising Console

9. Tracking External Traffic and Sales

10. Maximizing Sales with External Traffic Sources

How to Get 10% Off Your Referral Fees on Amazon


Are you an Amazon seller looking to maximize your profits? In this article, I will show you how to get a 10% discount on your referral fees, which can significantly increase your margins. By enrolling in the Brand Referral Bonus Program and setting up Amazon Attribution Links, you can track the performance of your external traffic and make informed decisions to boost your sales. So let's dive in and discover how you can save money and drive more traffic to your Amazon listings.

**1. How to Get 10% Off Your Referral Fees on Amazon**

Referral fees on Amazon can eat into your profits, especially if you have high-priced products. However, there's a way to reduce these fees from the standard 15% to just 5%. By enrolling in the Brand Referral Bonus Program, you can save 10% on your referral fees for all outside traffic you drive to Amazon. This means that if you have a $50 product, your margin will increase by 5%. That's a significant boost to your bottom line.

**2. Setting Up Amazon Attribution Links**

To participate in the Brand Referral Bonus Program, you need to set up Amazon Attribution Links. These links are essential for tracking the performance of your external traffic sources, such as Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and email campaigns. By using these links, you can gain valuable insights into which platforms are driving the most sales and adjust your marketing strategies accordingly.

Setting up Amazon Attribution Links is a straightforward process. In your Amazon Seller Central account, navigate to the Advertising section and click on "Measure non-Amazon ads." From there, you can access the Advertising Console, which allows you to create campaigns and track the performance of your external traffic sources.

**3. Benefits of the Brand Referral Bonus Program**

The Brand Referral Bonus Program offers several benefits for Amazon sellers. Not only do you get a 10% discount on your referral fees, but you also gain access to valuable data that can help you make informed business decisions. With the program, you can track the conversion rates of different external traffic sources and identify which platforms are performing the best. This data allows you to allocate your time and resources more effectively, focusing on the channels that generate the most sales.

**4. Enrolling in the Brand Referral Bonus Program**

To enroll in the Brand Referral Bonus Program, you need to be brand registered on Amazon. If you haven't already done so, it's essential to take the necessary steps to register your brand. This typically involves obtaining a pending trademark number, and there are resources available online that can guide you through the process.

Once you are brand registered, enrolling in the program is a simple process. In your Seller Central account, navigate to the Brand Referral Bonus section and click on "Enroll." Follow the prompts to complete the enrollment process, and you'll be ready to start generating referral tags.

**5. Generating Referral Tags**

Referral tags are the links you need to add to your external traffic sources to track their performance. These tags are unique to each campaign and allow you to measure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. To generate referral tags, go to the Brand Referral Bonus section in your Seller Central account and click on "Generate Referral Tags." Copy the tags and add them to your Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, or any other external ads you are running.

**6. Using the Amazon Attribution Program**

The Amazon Attribution Program is a powerful tool for tracking and analyzing the performance of your external traffic campaigns. By creating campaigns in the Advertising Console, you can monitor the clicks, conversions, and sales generated by each traffic source. This data provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of your marketing strategies and helps you make data-driven decisions to optimize your sales.

**7. Creating Campaigns in the Advertising Console**

In the Advertising Console, you can create campaigns to track the performance of your external traffic sources. Start by clicking on "Create Campaign" and choose whether you want to create the campaign manually or upload a bulk file. For your first campaign, it's recommended to create it manually to familiarize yourself with the process.

When creating a campaign, give it a name that reflects the product and the traffic source. For example, if you are running an Instagram campaign for a specific product, name the campaign accordingly. This will make it easier for you to track and analyze the data later on.

**8. Tracking External Traffic and Sales**

Once your campaigns are set up, you can track the performance of your external traffic and sales in the Advertising Console. The console provides detailed reports on clicks, conversions, and sales generated by each campaign. This data allows you to identify which traffic sources are driving the most sales and make informed decisions about where to allocate your marketing resources.

By tracking your external traffic and sales, you can optimize your marketing strategies and maximize your profits. If you find that a particular traffic source, such as TikTok, is performing exceptionally well, you can invest more time and effort into that platform to drive even more sales.

**9. Maximizing Sales with External Traffic Sources**

External traffic sources, such as Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, can be powerful tools for driving sales on Amazon. By leveraging these platforms, you can reach a wider audience and attract potential customers to your Amazon listings. The Brand Referral Bonus Program and Amazon Attribution Links enable you to track the performance of your external traffic sources and make data-driven decisions to maximize your sales.

To make the most of external traffic sources, it's essential to create engaging content that resonates with your target audience. Use a conversational style, incorporate personal pronouns, and keep your content simple and brief. Engage your readers by asking rhetorical questions, using analog

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