Cloudways - Speed Test & Which Server Should You Choose? (Comparison & Setup)

Cloudways - Speed Test & Which Server Should You Choose? (Comparison & Setup)

March 14, 2024
Author: Big Y

Cloudways Server Speed Test Results and Recommendations ๐Ÿš€

Are you looking for a reliable and fast cloud hosting platform for your website? Look no further than Cloudways! In this article, we will share with you the results of our recent speed and load tests on Cloudways servers, as well as our recommendations on which server to choose for your website.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. What is Cloudways?

3. Cloud Hosting vs. Shared Hosting

4. Speed Test Results

5. Load Test Results

6. Choosing the Right Server for Your Needs

7. How to Set Up Your WordPress Website on Cloudways

8. Tips for Optimizing Your Cloudways Server

9. Pros and Cons of Cloudways

10. Frequently Asked Questions


Cloudways is a managed cloud hosting platform that connects users to major cloud infrastructures such as DigitalOcean, AWS, Vultr, Google Cloud, and Linode. With Cloudways, users can easily install WordPress and other applications, and experience fast web hosting for their websites. Cloudways offers up to two to three times speed increase from regular shared hosting, making it a great choice for those looking for reliable and fast hosting.

What is Cloudways?

Cloudways is a managed cloud hosting platform that connects users to major cloud infrastructures such as DigitalOcean, AWS, Vultr, Google Cloud, and Linode. With Cloudways, users can easily install WordPress and other applications, and experience fast web hosting for their websites. Cloudways offers up to two to three times speed increase from regular shared hosting, making it a great choice for those looking for reliable and fast hosting.

Cloud Hosting vs. Shared Hosting

With shared hosting, users share resources from one server with other people. With cloud hosting, users have a few physical servers that are interconnected and form a virtual environment, which is like a cloud. Within that cloud, users can deploy or launch their own virtual private server, which powers their website. Cloud hosting is generally more scalable and reliable than shared hosting, making it a great choice for those looking for fast and reliable hosting.

Speed Test Results

We recently conducted speed tests on Cloudways servers, testing the speed of a blank WordPress installation against seven different locations. The results were impressive, with Linode performing the best with an average of 0.65 seconds, followed by DigitalOcean at 0.72 seconds, DigitalOcean Premium at 0.73 seconds, Vulture Standard at 0.77 seconds, Vulture High Frequency at 0.70 seconds, Google Cloud at 0.71 seconds, and AWS at 0.71 seconds. These results show that Cloudways servers perform really well compared to shared hosting, which typically has a load time of around one second or more.

Load Test Results

We also conducted load tests on Cloudways servers, simulating 200 virtual users on a website at the same time to see how well the website performs under these conditions. The results were impressive, with Google and AWS performing the best with a standard deviation of around three milliseconds. Linode performed the worst with a standard deviation of 11 milliseconds. These results show that Cloudways servers are scalable and reliable, making them a great choice for those looking for fast and reliable hosting.

Choosing the Right Server for Your Needs

When choosing a Cloudways server, it's important to consider your needs and the needs of your website. If you have a static website with just text and images, then a basic server with one gigabyte of RAM is probably sufficient. However, if you have a more dynamic website with e-commerce or social networking features, then a more powerful server with more RAM is probably necessary. It's also important to consider the location of your audience and choose a server location that is closest to them for faster load times.

How to Set Up Your WordPress Website on Cloudways

Setting up your WordPress website on Cloudways is easy. Simply sign up for a free account, select your cloud infrastructure, and launch your server. Once your server is set up, you can install WordPress and other applications, and start building your website. You can also connect your domain name to your server and install an SSL certificate for added security.

Tips for Optimizing Your Cloudways Server

To optimize your Cloudways server, we recommend using the Breeze caching plugin for faster page load times and navigating within the dashboard area. We also recommend increasing the PHP memory limit and updating the MariaDB version for better performance. Additionally, it's important to choose the right server for your needs and consider the location of your audience for faster load times.

Pros and Cons of Cloudways


- Fast and reliable hosting

- Scalable and customizable servers

- Easy to use interface

- Affordable pricing

- Multiple server locations


- Limited access to server settings

- Limited support for some cloud infrastructures

- Limited access to AMD processors on DigitalOcean Premium Droplets

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is Cloudways a good choice for hosting my website?


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