Bring Products to Life with Shopify's 3D Scanner

Bring Products to Life with Shopify's 3D Scanner

April 6, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. The Shopify 3D Scanner: A Game-Changer for Small Business Owners

3. Why 3D Models Matter for E-commerce

4. Boosting Customer Confidence with 3D Product Visualization

5. The SEO Benefits of 3D Models on Your Shopify Store

6. How to Use the Shopify 3D Scanner

7. Creating Stunning 3D Models for Your Products

8. Industries That Can Benefit from the Shopify 3D Scanner

9. Taking Your Customers on a Virtual Shopping Experience

10. Conclusion

The Shopify 3D Scanner: A Game-Changer for Small Business Owners

In the ever-evolving world of e-commerce, staying ahead of the competition is crucial for small business owners. Shopify, one of the leading e-commerce platforms, has recently introduced a groundbreaking tool that is set to revolutionize the way products are showcased online. Say hello to the Shopify 3D scanner, an innovative solution that transforms your product pages into interactive 3D showcases.

Why 3D Models Matter for E-commerce

Gone are the days when static images were enough to captivate online shoppers. With the rise of 3D technology, customers now expect a more immersive and engaging shopping experience. By leveraging the power of 3D models, you can provide your customers with a virtual lifelike representation of your products. This not only enhances their confidence in making a purchase but also reduces the likelihood of returns due to unmet expectations.

Boosting Customer Confidence with 3D Product Visualization

Imagine being able to offer your customers the ability to virtually touch and feel your products. With the Shopify 3D scanner, this becomes a reality. By creating realistic 3D models of your products, you can give your customers a genuine sense of what they can expect when they receive their purchase. This level of product visualization instills confidence in your customers and increases their satisfaction with their buying experience.

The SEO Benefits of 3D Models on Your Shopify Store

Not only do 3D models enhance the customer experience, but they also have a positive impact on your store's search engine optimization (SEO). Search engines love websites that provide engaging and interactive content. By incorporating 3D models into your product pages, you can improve your site's engagement metrics, such as time on page and bounce rate. This, in turn, can lead to higher search engine rankings and increased organic traffic to your Shopify store.

How to Use the Shopify 3D Scanner

Using the Shopify 3D scanner is a straightforward process that requires an iPhone or iPad running iOS 17 or later, along with the latest version of the Shopify app. To create a 3D model of your product, you'll need consistent lighting and enough space to move around the item. A plain background works best to ensure your product takes center stage. Once you've set up the scanning environment, simply add your product to the Shopify app, select the 3D scanner option, and begin scanning. The whole process typically takes up to 20 minutes.

Creating Stunning 3D Models for Your Products

To make the most out of the Shopify 3D scanner, it's essential to create visually appealing and high-quality 3D models. Pay attention to details such as lighting, angles, and product positioning to ensure your models accurately represent your products. Experiment with different backgrounds and settings to find the best combination that showcases your products in the most enticing way possible.

Industries That Can Benefit from the Shopify 3D Scanner

The versatility of the Shopify 3D scanner makes it suitable for business owners across various industries. Whether you're in fashion, tech gadgets, home decor, or any other sector, the 3D scanner can bring your products to life. By offering a 3D shopping experience, you can differentiate yourself from competitors and attract customers who value immersive online experiences.

Taking Your Customers on a Virtual Shopping Experience

With the Shopify 3D scanner, you have the power to transport your customers into a virtual shopping world. By allowing them to rotate, zoom in, and explore your products from different angles, you provide an interactive experience that mimics the in-store shopping experience. This level of engagement not only increases customer satisfaction but also encourages them to make confident purchasing decisions.


In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, staying ahead of the curve is essential. The Shopify 3D scanner offers small business owners a unique opportunity to elevate their online stores and provide customers with an immersive shopping experience. By embracing this cutting-edge technology, you can boost customer confidence, improve SEO, and ultimately drive more sales. So why wait? It's time to add a new dimension to your Shopify store with the Shopify 3D scanner app.


- The Shopify 3D scanner revolutionizes the way products are showcased online, providing an interactive 3D shopping experience.

- 3D models enhance customer confidence and reduce returns by allowing customers to virtually touch and feel products.

- Incorporating 3D models on your Shopify store improves SEO by increasing engagement and search engine rankings.

- Using the Shopify 3D scanner is simple, requiring an iPhone or iPad and the latest version of the Shopify app.

- Creating visually stunning 3D models is crucial to maximize the impact of the Shopify 3D scanner.

- Various industries, including fashion, tech gadgets, and home decor, can benefit from the Shopify 3D scanner.

- The Shopify 3D scanner takes customers on a virtual shopping experience, increasing engagement and satisfaction.


**Q: Can I use the Shopify 3D scanner with Android devices?**

A: Currently, the Shopify 3D scanner is only compatible with iPhones and iPads running iOS 17 or later. Android support may be added in the future.

**Q: How long does it take to create a 3D model using the Shopify 3D scanner?**

A: The scanning process typically takes up to 20 minutes per product. This includes capturing the necessary images and generating the 3D model.

**Q: Are there any size limitations for products that can be scanned with the Shopify 3D scanner?**

A: Yes, products need to be at least 3 inches in length, width, and height to be detected by the 3D scanner.

**Q: Can I use the Shopify 3D scanner for custom-made or unique products?**

A: Absolutely! The Shopify 3D scanner is a versatile tool that can be used for a wide range of products, including custom-made or unique items.

**Q: How can the Shopify 3D scanner benefit my SEO efforts?**

A: By incorporating 3D models on your Shopify store, you can improve engagement metrics, such as time on page and bounce rate, which can positively impact your search engine rankings.

**Q: Can I use the Shopify 3D scanner for free?**

A: The Shopify 3D scanner is available as a feature within the Shopify app. However, please note that certain Shopify plans may have additional costs associated with using the 3D scanner.

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