Best Way To Sell On Amazon FBA 2024 (Exactly What I Do!)

Best Way To Sell On Amazon FBA 2024 (Exactly What I Do!)

March 4, 2024
Author: Big Y

📈 How to Make Money Selling on Amazon: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you looking for a way to make money online? Look no further than Amazon. With over 500 billion dollars spent on Amazon's website last year alone, it's clear that there's a huge opportunity to make money selling on Amazon. In fact, 43% of all Amazon sellers have made at least one hundred thousand dollars. And the easiest way to create a passive income business on Amazon is by using Amazon FBA.

What is Amazon FBA?

Amazon FBA stands for "fulfilled by Amazon." This program allows you to buy products in bulk at a discounted price, put your own brand on them, and send them into the Amazon warehouse. Amazon will then handle all the fulfillment, including picking, packing, and shipping the product out to customers. This means that you can pretty much remove yourself from the business and let Amazon handle everything.

Private Label vs. Wholesale

There are two main ways to create a passive income business on Amazon: private label and wholesale. With private label, you put your own brand on the product and sell it on your own Amazon listing. With wholesale, you buy products with an existing brand and sell them on their Amazon listing.

There are pros and cons to both methods. With private label, you own the brand and no one else can copy it or sell on your Amazon product listing. However, no one knows about your brand, and other people can still contact the exact same manufacturer as you, make their own version of that product, and sell it on a separate listing on Amazon.

With wholesale, there are already people buying the exact same product on Amazon, so there's less risk involved. However, there's nothing stopping other people from buying the exact same product as you and selling it on the exact same listing you're selling your product on. Additionally, there's nothing stopping manufacturers from cutting you off and selling their product directly on their own Amazon listing.

The Third Way to Sell on Amazon

In my opinion, both private label and wholesale are dead. They're oversaturated, and there are over 9 million sellers on Amazon, with about 4,000 new sellers joining every single day. Instead, I recommend the third way to sell on Amazon: creating a passion product.

A passion product is a product that you're passionate about and that solves a problem for a specific group of people. By creating a passion product, you can differentiate yourself from the competition and create a loyal customer base.

How to Find a Profitable Passion Product

The key to finding a profitable passion product is to use a tool like Helium 10. This tool will help you find profitable products to sell on Amazon by showing you exactly what people are searching for in Amazon. The key to making money with Amazon is to realize that Amazon is just a search engine. People go to Amazon and type in exactly what they want to buy. If you can figure out what they're typing into the Amazon search bar, you can make a lot of money.

The Three Reasons Why Most Amazon FBA Businesses Fail

There are three main reasons why most Amazon FBA businesses fail. The first reason is that people go solo. It's important to find someone who's already done exactly what you want to do and have them design a step-by-step plan on how to get where you want to go.

The second reason is that people don't commit. It's important to invest in yourself and your business. This means spending money on courses and programs that will help you succeed.

The third reason is waiting. Don't wait to launch your product. The longer you wait, the more money you're losing out on.


Selling on Amazon is a great way to make money online. With Amazon FBA, you can create a passive income business that practically runs itself. By creating a passion product and using tools like Helium 10, you can differentiate yourself from the competition and create a loyal customer base. Just remember to avoid the three main reasons why most Amazon FBA businesses fail: going solo, not committing, and waiting.


- Amazon FBA allows you to buy products in bulk at a discounted price, put your own brand on them, and send them into the Amazon warehouse.

- Private label involves putting your own brand on the product and selling it on your own Amazon listing. Wholesale involves buying products with an existing brand and selling them on their Amazon listing.

- Creating a passion product is the third way to sell on Amazon. A passion product is a product that you're passionate about and that solves a problem for a specific group of people.

- Helium 10 is a tool that will help you find profitable products to sell on Amazon by showing you exactly what people are searching for in Amazon.

- The three main reasons why most Amazon FBA businesses fail are going solo, not committing, and waiting.


Q: What is Amazon FBA?

A: Amazon FBA stands for "fulfilled by Amazon." This program allows you to buy products in bulk at a discounted price, put your own brand on them, and send them into the Amazon warehouse. Amazon will then handle all the fulfillment, including picking, packing, and shipping the product out to customers.

Q: What is a passion product?

A: A passion product is a product that you're passionate about and that solves a problem for a specific group of people. By creating a passion product, you can differentiate yourself from the competition and create a loyal customer base.

Q: What is Helium 10?

A: Helium 10 is a tool that will help you find profitable products to sell on Amazon by showing you exactly what people are searching for in Amazon.

Q: What are the three main reasons why most Amazon FBA businesses fail?

A: The three main reasons why most Amazon FBA businesses fail are going solo, not committing, and waiting.

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