Amazon Q4 Sourcing Strategies and Timelines for Retail Arbitrage Sellers!

Amazon Q4 Sourcing Strategies and Timelines for Retail Arbitrage Sellers!

March 17, 2024
Author: Big Y

🎁 Q4 Sourcing Strategies for Amazon Retail Arbitrage Sellers

Are you an Amazon Retail Arbitrage seller looking to make the most profit during the holiday season? Then you're in the right place! In this article, we'll be discussing Q4 sourcing strategies and the Q4 timeline to help you maximize your profits during the most magical time of the year.

Table of Contents

- Introduction

- What is Q4?

- Sourcing Strategies for Q4

- Keep Sourcing What You're Already Sourcing

- Add Holiday Items to Your Sourcing Mix

- FBM vs FBA

- Plan Ahead

- Q4 Timeline

- Halloween

- Thanksgiving

- Christmas

- Business Expenses and Tax Deductions

- Q&A

- Conclusion


As an Amazon Retail Arbitrage seller, Q4 is the most important time of the year for making profits. It's the time of year when most businesses make the most of their profit, and that is very true for Amazon Retail Arbitrage sellers. In this article, we'll be discussing Q4 sourcing strategies and the Q4 timeline to help you maximize your profits during the holiday season.

What is Q4?

Q4 is the fourth quarter of the fiscal calendar for retailers, which makes up October, November, and December. It's the holiday shopping time and the time of year when most businesses make their profit or make the most of their profit. For Amazon Retail Arbitrage sellers, Q4 is the most magical time of the year, as it's the time when you can make a lot of profit in just a short amount of time.

Sourcing Strategies for Q4

Keep Sourcing What You're Already Sourcing

The main thing to understand about Q4 is that everything sells, not just toys or holiday items. Everything from shampoos and conditioners to tools and salon stuff is selling during Q4. So, keep sourcing what you're already sourcing and add holiday items to your sourcing mix.

Add Holiday Items to Your Sourcing Mix

During Q4, you should add holiday-specific items to your sourcing mix. This includes Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas items. The cool thing about the bolo group is that you're going to have lists of leads to go off of, so Q4 sourcing is kind of the easiest sourcing of the year. You're doing it a lot, but it can be that easy for you to make that money during Q4.


During Q4, you're going to want to FBM (Fulfillment by Merchant) as much as possible. This is because FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) is not going to make it there in time. If you send something FBA on December 5th, the odds of it being available checked into the warehouse ready to sell, ready to send to the customer by December 25th is very slim. That is a risk that you would not want to take with your holiday-specific items.

Plan Ahead

Plan ahead as much as possible. That means having stock in your warehouse at your warehouse ahead of time. So, maybe you're filling up as much as you can in November. If you're not going to FBM, you're pretty much done through December. You could take a break if you want to, enjoy the holiday, but if you're going to FBM, you might be working two or three weeks into December before you can no longer get it to the customer in time.

Q4 Timeline


For Halloween, you want to be scanning everything at Walmart, and that takes quite a while, but it's worth it. Halloween is a nice little home decor holiday, so you don't want to skip over that. You definitely want to be scanning everything that you see out there. It might not come up, but you can usually find things there that you didn't find in the seller app.


During Thanksgiving, customers are shopping for Black Friday deals, but they don't really shop for Christmas during that time. So, you can often find better deals on your products and make more profit shopping those sales earlier in November rather than later.


The week of Thanksgiving through the first two weeks of December is when everybody is buying stuff online. It's crazy, and it happens every year. You'll kind of be like, "It's not really taking off for me," and then all of a sudden, it'll shoot up, and everything will be selling. So, if you're not doing FBM and you're sending in stuff FBA, it's going to be harder to really chase something down. Sure, you can go grab it all and buy it and send it in FBA, but if you're not going to FBM it, it's going to take a while to sell. The people who are FBMing, who can get it to the customer faster, are going to win that sale.

Business Expenses and Tax Deductions

All of the business expenses, such as the Q4 bolo group, the Q4 guide, your ungating order, software, inventory lab, seller board, or whatever you need to get for your business, is a tax deduction write-off. So, if it's going to help your business, it's going to help you make more profit or know your numbers, it's definitely worth the investment because it's going to come off of your taxable profit at the end of the year for what you would owe the IRS.


Q: What is the Q4 bolo group?

A: The Q4 bolo group is a limited group of 200 sellers who share leads of what they're sourcing right now in-store, what they're finding profitable, and items that fit the criteria.

Q: What is FBM?

A: FBM stands for Fulfillment by Merchant. It's when you fulfill your own orders instead of using Amazon's fulfillment services.

Q: What is FBA?

A: FBA stands for Fulfillment by Amazon. It's when you use Amazon's fulfillment services to store, pack, and ship your products.


Q4 is the most magical time of the year for Amazon Retail Arbitrage sellers. By following these Q4 sourcing strategies and the Q4 timeline, you can maximize your profits during the holiday season. Remember to keep sourcing what you're already sourcing, add holiday items to your sourcing mix, FBM as much as possible, plan ahead, and take advantage of business expenses and tax deductions. Happy selling!

- End -
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