Amazon Product Research: What I've Learned After 5 Years

Amazon Product Research: What I've Learned After 5 Years

March 14, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents

1. Introduction: What is Analysis Paralysis?

2. The Importance of Product Research

3. Choosing the Right Product Research Software

4. Finding Your Preferred Selling Categories

5. The Significance of Search Volume Trends

6. Understanding the Importance of 90-Day Search Trends

7. Seasonality: Trusting Intuition and Search Volume Trends

8. Avoiding Fad Products: The Dangers of Short-Lived Trends

9. Differentiating Your Product: Standing Out in a Competitive Market

10. Product Research as a Tool: Taking Control of Your Success

11. Sales Price History: Stability and Increasing Demand

Introduction: What is Analysis Paralysis?

Have you ever found yourself spending countless hours searching through an overwhelming amount of data, unable to make a decision? This state of analysis paralysis can be frustrating, especially when it comes to choosing a product to sell. However, with the right guidance, you can overcome this challenge and confidently select a winning product.

The Importance of Product Research

One of the most crucial steps in the process of selling on Amazon is product research. Skipping this step can lead to costly mistakes and missed opportunities. By investing time in thorough product research, you can avoid unnecessary competition and identify profitable niches.

Choosing the Right Product Research Software

There are various product research software options available on the market. While they may differ in user interface and features, they all rely on data from Amazon's databases. One popular choice is Jungle Scout, known for its dependability and user-friendly interface. Ultimately, the choice of software depends on personal preference and ease of use.

Finding Your Preferred Selling Categories

Efficiency is key when it comes to discovering new opportunities. By focusing on specific categories that align with your interests and expertise, you can streamline your product research process. As a beginner Amazon seller, consider starting with categories like Sports and Outdoors, Kitchen and Dining, or Home and Kitchen, as they offer fewer restrictions for new sellers.

The Significance of Search Volume Trends

As an Amazon seller, your goal is to find a product niche that provides a high return on investment with minimal risk. One metric that can help you gauge demand and potential profitability is search volume trends. By analyzing the one-year and two-year search volume charts, you can identify products with increasing demand, indicating a promising opportunity.

Understanding the Importance of 90-Day Search Trends

When analyzing search trends, it's essential to prioritize the 90-day search trend over the 30-day trend. Just like betting on horses, a longer track record of consistent performance is more reliable. Therefore, when evaluating search trends, favor the 90-day data to make informed decisions about product selection.

Seasonality: Trusting Intuition and Search Volume Trends

Determining whether a product is seasonal or not requires a combination of intuition and data analysis. While product research software often provides a seasonality metric, it's important to trust your intuition and examine search volume trends. If a product is associated with a specific season or holiday and exhibits historical upward trends in demand during a short period, it may be considered seasonal.

Avoiding Fad Products: The Dangers of Short-Lived Trends

Fad products, characterized by a brief product life cycle and rapid rise and fall in popularity, can be detrimental to your business. Examples of fads include items like fidget toys or fidget spinners. To identify potential fad products, analyze search volume charts for significant and sudden increases in demand. It is advisable to avoid selling these products as they often lead to high competition and short-lived profitability.

Differentiating Your Product: Standing Out in a Competitive Market

In a saturated market, it's crucial to differentiate your product from competitors. While many sellers may be looking at the same data, delivering additional value to customers through unique features, enhanced design, or color variations can give you a competitive edge. By focusing on product differentiation, you can attract customers and build a loyal customer base.

Product Research as a Tool: Taking Control of Your Success

Product research software is a valuable tool that can assist you in finding potential products. However, it's important to remember that it is just a tool and not a magic money button. Ultimately, your success as an Amazon seller depends on your ability to utilize the software effectively and make informed decisions based on your research.

Sales Price History: Stability and Increasing Demand

An often overlooked metric in product research is the sales price history. Analyzing the average sales price over a period of time can provide insights into competition and demand. If a niche shows a stable or increasing sales price history, it suggests that competition is not driving prices down, and there is continued demand for the product. This metric can help you identify niches with potential for higher profits.


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