Amazon Influencer Program Tutorial (30 Day REAL RESULTS)

Amazon Influencer Program Tutorial (30 Day REAL RESULTS)

March 27, 2024
Author: Big Y

📝 How to Make Money with the Amazon Influencer Program

Are you looking for a side hustle that can earn you some extra cash? Have you heard about the Amazon Influencer Program? This program allows you to earn commissions by promoting products on Amazon to your social media followers. In this article, we'll go over the steps to get started with the program, how to create shoppable videos, and some best practices to maximize your earnings.

🤔 What is the Amazon Influencer Program?

The Amazon Influencer Program is a part of the Amazon Associates program, which allows people to earn commissions by promoting Amazon products. However, the Influencer Program is different because it's designed for people who have a social media following. Amazon wants people with a following to send their users to Amazon, and in return, they can earn commissions from the purchases made by their followers.

📈 Is the Amazon Influencer Program Worth It?

The Amazon Influencer Program can be a great way to earn some extra cash, but it's not a get-rich-quick scheme. You'll need to have an engaged following on one of four platforms: YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, or Facebook. You'll also need to create shoppable videos that showcase products and encourage your followers to make a purchase. The more videos you make, the more money you can potentially earn.

🎥 How to Create Shoppable Videos

To create shoppable videos, you'll need to apply to the Amazon Influencer Program and get accepted. Once you're in, you can start building your storefront and creating videos. The best videos are ones that demo the product, show it in use, and talk about its features. You can also answer questions and share your experiences with the product. Make sure to follow Amazon's rules when creating videos, as they have strict guidelines on what you can and can't do.

💰 Best Practices for Maximizing Your Earnings

To maximize your earnings with the Amazon Influencer Program, you'll want to focus on higher-priced products that offer higher commission rates. You'll also want to make sure your videos have good audio and address common questions about the product. Keep making videos and testing out different styles to see what works best for you.

🎉 My Results with the Amazon Influencer Program

As someone who does video for a living, I was excited to try the Amazon Influencer Program as a side hustle. In my first 30 days, I earned $65 from minimal work. While it's not the $100 a day that some gurus promise, it's still a great way to earn some extra cash. Just remember that the program is run by Amazon and could change at any time.

🙋‍♀️ FAQ

Q: How do I apply to the Amazon Influencer Program?

A: You can apply through the Amazon Associates website.

Q: What platforms can I use for the Amazon Influencer Program?

A: You can use YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, or Facebook.

Q: How many videos do I need to make to get approved for on-site commissions?

A: You need to make three videos that follow Amazon's guidelines.

Q: How much money can I make with the Amazon Influencer Program?

A: Your earnings will depend on the products you promote and the commission rates.

Q: Can I use my videos from other platforms in the Amazon Influencer Program?

A: Yes, you can use videos you've made for other platforms in the program.

🌟 Highlights

- The Amazon Influencer Program allows you to earn commissions by promoting products on Amazon to your social media followers.

- To create shoppable videos, you'll need to apply to the program and get accepted.

- The best videos are ones that demo the product, show it in use, and talk about its features.

- To maximize your earnings, focus on higher-priced products and keep making videos.

- While the program can be a great way to earn some extra cash, it's not a get-rich-quick scheme.


- [Amazon Influencer Program](

- [Amazon Associates Program](

- [Amazon Influencer Program Guidelines](

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