Amazon FBA... IT'S ALL LIES 😢

Amazon FBA... IT'S ALL LIES 😢

March 15, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. The Truth About Amazon FBA Gurus

3. The Time and Effort Required for Success

4. The Cost of Starting an Amazon FBA Business

5. The Importance of Product Research

6. The Myth of Passive Income

7. The Skills Required for Success

8. Overcoming Challenges and Staying Motivated

9. Setting Realistic Expectations

10. Conclusion

The Truth About Selling on Amazon FBA

Selling on Amazon has become increasingly popular, with many gurus claiming that it's an effortless way to make money. However, as an experienced Amazon FBA seller, I can tell you that the reality is quite different. In this article, I will debunk some common misconceptions and shed light on what it truly takes to succeed on Amazon FBA.

The Truth About Amazon FBA Gurus

While there are credible Amazon FBA gurus out there, the sad truth is that the majority of them have never sold on Amazon themselves. They make exaggerated claims to entice you into buying their expensive courses. As someone who has been actively selling on Amazon since 2018, I can distinguish between genuine advice and empty hype.

The Time and Effort Required for Success

Contrary to what some gurus may claim, building a successful Amazon FBA business is not an overnight process. It requires extensive research, analyzing data, and identifying profitable opportunities. Finding and launching a successful product can take weeks or even months. It's crucial to understand that long-term success on Amazon FBA demands time and effort.

The Cost of Starting an Amazon FBA Business

Another common myth perpetuated by fake gurus is that you can start an Amazon FBA business with as little as $500. While it's true that the monthly running costs can be relatively low, the main investment lies in the product itself. To maintain a decent ranking and avoid stockouts, you need to ensure you have enough inventory. Starting an Amazon FBA business with a more realistic budget of around $2,000 is advisable.

The Importance of Product Research

Product research is a critical step in finding a profitable niche on Amazon. Beware of tutorials claiming to find a $10,000 product in 60 seconds. These quick methods often lead to saturated niches or products with low reviews and high sales, indicating impending competition. Proper product research takes time and effort, regardless of your experience or the latest YouTube strategy.

The Myth of Passive Income

While Amazon FBA can be managed in a few hours a week, it is far from passive income. It requires ongoing attention, such as responding to customer inquiries, managing inventory, and optimizing advertising campaigns. To be successful, you must develop business skills like data analysis and financial management. Selling on Amazon is a business that demands continuous learning and problem-solving.

The Skills Required for Success

To thrive as an Amazon FBA seller, you need to be a quick learner and possess essential business skills. These skills include product research, profitability analysis, advertising campaign management, and more. Selling on Amazon provides an opportunity to develop transferable skills applicable to various business ventures.

Overcoming Challenges and Staying Motivated

Selling on Amazon can be challenging, and there will be days when you feel overwhelmed. It's essential to stay motivated and persevere through the difficulties. Understand that setbacks are part of the journey, and solving problems is a valuable learning experience. If you're motivated by the potential for financial success and enjoy a good challenge, Amazon FBA can be a rewarding endeavor.

Setting Realistic Expectations

Ignore the gurus who promise overnight success and millionaire status within months. Selling on Amazon FBA is not easy, but it's a fun and rewarding challenge. By setting realistic expectations and understanding the effort required, you'll be more likely to stay motivated and achieve long-term success.


Selling on Amazon FBA is a viable business opportunity, but it requires dedication, hard work, and a willingness to learn. Don't fall for the empty promises of fake gurus. Instead, focus on building your skills, conducting thorough product research, and setting realistic expectations. With the right mindset and approach, you can create a successful Amazon FBA business that generates a sustainable income for years to come.



- Selling on Amazon FBA is not an overnight success story; it requires time and effort.

- Fake gurus often make exaggerated claims to sell expensive courses.

- Starting an Amazon FBA business with $500 is unrealistic; a budget of around $2,000 is more reasonable.

- Proper product research is crucial to finding profitable niches on Amazon.

- Amazon FBA is not passive income; it requires ongoing management and problem-solving skills.

- Overcoming challenges and staying motivated are essential for long-term success.

- Setting realistic expectations is key to avoiding disappointment.

- Selling on Amazon FBA can be a rewarding and profitable venture with the right mindset and approach.



Q: Can I start an Amazon FBA business with $500?

A: While it's possible to start with a small budget, it's more realistic to have around $2,000 for inventory and additional costs.

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