Amazon FBA Wholesale Scanner By Profitl

Amazon FBA Wholesale Scanner By Profitl

April 7, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. The Purpose of the Wholesale Scanner

3. How to Use the Wholesale Scanner

4. Handling Excel Files from Suppliers

5. Tips for Formatting Excel Files

6. Analyzing Scanned Products

7. Troubleshooting and Support

8. Pros and Cons of the Wholesale Scanner

9. Conclusion

10. Resources


In this article, we will explore the brand new and improved wholesale scanner offered by Profitable. This scanner comes with unlimited scans included in your profitable subscription at no extra cost. We will discuss the purpose of the wholesale scanner and how it can save you a significant amount of time. Additionally, we will provide step-by-step instructions on how to use the scanner effectively. If you encounter any issues or have questions about the process, we will guide you on troubleshooting and support options. Let's dive in!

The Purpose of the Wholesale Scanner

The wholesale scanner is a powerful tool that allows you to scan a wholesaler's or manufacturer's product feed. Instead of manually searching through a product file, the scanner automates the process, saving you valuable time. By uploading the file into Profitable, the scanner will analyze the products and provide you with a preview of potential deals. This feature is designed to help you find profitable opportunities efficiently.

How to Use the Wholesale Scanner

To use the wholesale scanner, follow these simple steps:

1. Log in to your Profitable account and navigate to the Wholesale Scanner section.

2. Click on "Choose File" to upload the product file provided by the wholesaler or manufacturer.

3. Preview the file and match the headers with the Profitable tool headers. Ensure the product name, barcode (EAN), and price are correctly mapped.

4. Review any potential issues highlighted by the scanner and remove rows with problems.

5. After resolving any issues, the scanner will process the remaining products.

6. Once the scan is complete, click on "View Processed Products" to see the successful products.

7. Sort the products by sales or profit to analyze them further using the available options.

Using the wholesale scanner requires familiarity with Excel files, as suppliers may have different formatting standards. However, we will provide you with tips and examples to handle these files effectively.

Handling Excel Files from Suppliers

When working with Excel files from suppliers, it's essential to follow certain steps to ensure smooth processing. Here are a few examples of actions you might need to take:

1. Remove any extra space at the top of the file to keep only the main headers in row one.

2. Check and correct any corrupted barcodes by adjusting the number format to remove decimal places.

3. Remove unnecessary columns that are not required for the scanning process, such as category, retail price, brand, and manufacturer.

4. Ensure the remaining columns contain the necessary information, such as the product name, barcode, and price.

5. Remove any text or invalid entries from the barcode column to avoid processing errors.

By following these steps, you can prepare the Excel files for seamless scanning using the wholesale scanner.

Tips for Formatting Excel Files

To prevent any issues and ensure a smooth scanning process, consider the following tips when formatting Excel files:

1. Keep only the necessary columns: Remove any columns that are not relevant to the scanning process, focusing on the product name, barcode, and price.

2. Check for accurate pricing: Verify that the unit price reflects the correct pricing information for each product.

3. Remove text entries: Eliminate any text entries in the barcode column to avoid processing errors.

4. Filter out invalid entries: Use the filtering feature to remove empty cells or cells with text, ensuring only valid barcodes remain.

Following these tips will help you optimize your Excel files for efficient scanning with the wholesale scanner.

Analyzing Scanned Products

Once the wholesale scanner completes the scanning process, you can analyze the results to make informed decisions. Profitable provides options to sort the products by sales or profit, allowing you to prioritize the most lucrative opportunities. By utilizing the available tools, you can gain valuable insights into the potential profitability of each product.

Troubleshooting and Support

If you encounter any issues with the wholesale scanner or have questions about its functionality, our support team is here to assist you. Feel free to reach out to us for prompt assistance and guidance. We are committed to ensuring your experience with the wholesale scanner is seamless and productive.

Pros and Cons of the Wholesale Scanner


- Unlimited scans included in your profitable subscription at no extra cost.

- Saves a significant amount of time compared to manual product searching.

- Provides a preview of potential deals, allowing you to focus on profitable opportunities.

- Offers sorting options to analyze products by sales or profit.


- Requires familiarity with Excel files and potential formatting adjustments.

- Suppliers may have different formatting standards, requiring additional steps for file preparation.


The wholesale scanner offered by Profitable is a valuable tool for efficiently scanning wholesaler and manufacturer product feeds. By automating the process, it saves you time and provides a preview of potential deals. With the ability to analyze products based on sales and profit, you can make informed decisions and maximize your profitability. If you have any questions or encounter any issues, our support team is ready to assist you. Start using the wholesale scanner today and unlock a world of profitable opportunities!


- [Profitable Wholesale Scanner](


**Q: How many scans are included in the profitable subscription?**

A: The profitable subscription includes unlimited scans at no extra cost.

**Q: Can I sort the scanned products by sales or profit?**

A: Yes, the wholesale scanner provides sorting options to analyze products based on sales or profit.

**Q: What if I encounter issues with Excel files from suppliers?**

A: If you face any difficulties with Excel files or need assistance, please reach out to our support team for guidance.

**Q: Are there any limitations on the number of files I can process simultaneously?**

A: While you can only process one file at a time, you can view all your previous scans and their results.

**Q: How can I access the Profitable Wholesale Scanner?**

A: You can access the Profitable Wholesale Scanner by logging into your Profitable account and navigating to the Wholesale Scanner section.

**Q: Can the wholesale scanner handle different file formats other than Excel?**

A: Currently, the wholesale scanner supports Excel files for scanning wholesalers' or manufacturers' product feeds.

**Q: Can I use the wholesale scanner without a Profitable subscription?**

A: No, the wholesale scanner is included as a feature within the Profitable subscription.

**Q: How can I contact support for assistance with the wholesale scanner?**

A: If you have any issues or questions regarding the wholesale scanner, please reach out to our support team for prompt assistance.

**Q: Can I upload multiple files for scanning simultaneously?**

A: The wholesale scanner processes one file at a time, but you can view all your previous scans and their results.

**Q: Is the wholesale scanner available in languages other than English?**

A: Currently, the wholesale scanner is available in English only.

**Q: Can I customize the headers and mapping for the scanned products?**

A: Yes, you can match the headers of the uploaded file with the Profitable tool headers to ensure accurate mapping and preview of products.

- End -
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