Amazon FBA Q4 Product Research & What to Expect as an Amazon Seller

Amazon FBA Q4 Product Research & What to Expect as an Amazon Seller

March 15, 2024
Author: Big Y

🎁 Product Research for Q4: Finding the Best Products to Sell on Amazon During the Holiday Season

As we approach the busiest time of the year for Amazon sellers, it's important to start thinking about what products to sell during Q4, which includes the months of October, November, and December. This is the time when people make the most money on Amazon, and it's crucial to find the right products to sell. In this article, we'll go through some product research using the Helium 10 tool to find the best products to sell during the holiday season.

📝 Table of Contents

- Introduction

- Why Q4 is the busiest time for Amazon sellers

- Using Helium 10 for product research

- Setting search parameters

- Excluding holiday-related keywords

- Finding the best products to sell

- Analyzing sales graphs

- Conclusion

- Pros and cons of selling during Q4


Why Q4 is the busiest time for Amazon sellers

Q4 is the busiest time for Amazon sellers because it includes the holiday season, which is when people are buying gifts for their loved ones. This means that there is a lot of traffic and activity on Amazon during this time, and sellers can make a lot of money if they have the right products to sell.

Using Helium 10 for product research

Helium 10 is a software that can help you with your Amazon FBA business. It can help you find products to sell, tell you how much money they're making, which products are hot and selling, and which ones are not. It gives you all of the data and the backend information and analytics of what sells well on Amazon and what does not.

Setting search parameters

When using Helium 10 for product research, it's important to set search parameters to find the best products to sell. You can put in a range for the search volume that you want to see, a range for the monthly revenue that you want to see, and a maximum for the review count.

Excluding holiday-related keywords

When doing product research during the holiday season, it's important to exclude certain keywords related to holidays such as Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. This is because you want to sell a product that is Evergreen, not a product that only sells during the holiday season.

Finding the best products to sell

To find the best products to sell during Q4, we used Helium 10 to search for products that meet our search parameters and exclude holiday-related keywords. We found that preserved flower bouquets were a promising product to sell, with the number one seller making over $200,000 a month. We also analyzed sales graphs to ensure that the product was not just a seasonal item.

Analyzing sales graphs

When analyzing sales graphs, it's important to look at the historical sales of your competitors and see how the numbers fluctuate over time. This will help you determine if the product is a seasonal item or not.


In conclusion, finding the best products to sell during Q4 requires careful product research using tools like Helium 10. It's important to set search parameters, exclude holiday-related keywords, and analyze sales graphs to ensure that the product is not just a seasonal item.

Pros and cons of selling during Q4


- High traffic and activity on Amazon during the holiday season

- Opportunity to make a lot of money

- Increased demand for certain products


- Increased competition

- Risk of selling seasonal items that only sell during the holiday season

- Need to plan and prepare inventory in advance


Q: What is Helium 10?

A: Helium 10 is a software that can help you with your Amazon FBA business. It can help you find products to sell, tell you how much money they're making, which products are hot and selling, and which ones are not.

Q: Why is Q4 the busiest time for Amazon sellers?

A: Q4 includes the holiday season, which is when people are buying gifts for their loved ones. This means that there is a lot of traffic and activity on Amazon during this time, and sellers can make a lot of money if they have the right products to sell.

Q: How do I find the best products to sell during Q4?

A: To find the best products to sell during Q4, you can use tools like Helium 10 to search for products that meet your search parameters and exclude holiday-related keywords. It's also important to analyze sales graphs to ensure that the product is not just a seasonal item.

- End -
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