Amazon FBA Product Research The Right Way

Amazon FBA Product Research The Right Way

March 13, 2024
Author: Big Y

📝 Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Mistakes to Avoid in Amazon FBA Product Research

3. Using Helium 10's Blackbox for Product Research

4. The Importance of Using Different Filters

5. Finding the Main Keyword for Product Research

6. Using Helium 10's Cerebro for Keyword Research

7. Understanding Bestseller Rank (BSR)

8. Conclusion

📝 Article

🚀 Introduction

Welcome back to the channel! In this video, we will be discussing the correct way to do Amazon FBA product research. As an Amazon seller, it is crucial to find the right product to sell, and there are many things to consider when doing product research. In this article, we will be using Helium 10, a popular Amazon seller tool, to show you some tips and tricks to ensure that you are doing the correct product research.

🚀 Mistakes to Avoid in Amazon FBA Product Research

Before we dive into the specifics of using Helium 10 for product research, let's first discuss some common mistakes that new Amazon sellers make. One of the biggest mistakes is not using enough filters when searching for a product. Many new sellers only use a few data points, such as revenue and price point, and end up with a list of 200+ products. This is not enough filtering, and it is important to use different filters to narrow down your search results.

Another mistake is only looking at one seller's data when researching a product. It is important to look at the overall market and not just one seller's data. This will give you a better understanding of the competition and whether or not it is a good market to launch in.

🚀 Using Helium 10's Blackbox for Product Research

Helium 10's Blackbox is a powerful tool for Amazon FBA product research. However, many new sellers make the mistake of only using the products tab and not utilizing the different filters available. It is important to experiment with different filters to find a narrowed-down search result for your product or keyword.

🚀 The Importance of Using Different Filters

Using different filters is crucial when doing product research. You can use filters such as shipping tier size, BSR, and more to find the right product for you. It is important to experiment with different filters to find the best product for your needs.

🚀 Finding the Main Keyword for Product Research

Finding the main keyword for your product is crucial for successful product research. You want to make sure that you are targeting the most relevant keyword that a customer would type in to find your product. Helium 10's Cerebro is a great tool for finding the main keyword for your product.

🚀 Using Helium 10's Cerebro for Keyword Research

Helium 10's Cerebro is a powerful tool for keyword research. You can use it to find the main keyword for your product and to see what keywords your competitors are ranking for. This will give you a better understanding of the competition and help you to optimize your listing for the right keywords.

🚀 Understanding Bestseller Rank (BSR)

Bestseller Rank (BSR) is an important metric to understand when doing product research. It is a ranking system that Amazon uses to determine how well a product is selling. The lower the BSR, the better the product is selling. It is important to keep an eye on your product's BSR and to optimize your listing to improve your sales velocity.

🚀 Conclusion

In conclusion, doing the correct product research is crucial for success as an Amazon seller. By using Helium 10's powerful tools and avoiding common mistakes, you can find the right product for your needs. Remember to experiment with different filters, find the main keyword for your product, and keep an eye on your product's BSR. Good luck with your Amazon FBA journey!

🔍 Highlights

- Use different filters to narrow down your search results

- Look at the overall market and not just one seller's data

- Find the main keyword for your product using Helium 10's Cerebro

- Keep an eye on your product's Bestseller Rank (BSR)


Q: What is the main keyword?

A: The main keyword is the most relevant keyword that a customer would type in to find your product.

Q: What is Bestseller Rank (BSR)?

A: Bestseller Rank (BSR) is a ranking system that Amazon uses to determine how well a product is selling.

Q: How do I find the right product for me?

A: Experiment with different filters, find the main keyword for your product, and keep an eye on your product's BSR.

- End -
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