Amazon FBA Product Research Is CHANGING!

Amazon FBA Product Research Is CHANGING!

March 16, 2024
Author: Big Y

🛍️ How Amazon's Recent Changes Impact Your FBA Product Research

If you're an Amazon FBA seller, you need to pay attention to the recent changes that Amazon has made to its website. These changes are going to have a big impact on how you should approach your product research. In this article, we'll take a closer look at these changes and how they affect your FBA business.

📈 Sales History is Now Public

One of the biggest changes that Amazon has made is to display a product's sales history right from the search result page. This means that customers can now see how many units a product has sold in the past month. This information is undoubtedly going to impact whether the customer ends up clicking and making a purchase or not.

The number of sales a product has is something that definitely gives it social proof. People's purchasing decisions are often swayed by what others are currently buying and what is viewed as being popular or in. Amazon knows this, which is why they've now started to publicly display this information right on the search result page.

This change is going to have big implications on how you do your Amazon FBA product research. If you can't afford the same amount of stock as others in your niche are selling, then your sales stats that are displayed on that search result page are going to be tiny in comparison to others in your niche. That is going to impact whether the customer decides to click and then ultimately buy from you.

🌟 Reviews Score is More Important Than Review Count

Amazon has also changed how review information is displayed. Instead of showing the number of total reviews received, they're now starting to focus more on the metrics that give customers more detail on the quality of the product. This is another big change that is going to impact what product a customer clicks on from the search result page.

It's likely to give newly established products with very few reviews a fighting chance against the more established brands that already have thousands of product reviews. When you are assessing any opportunity, pay less attention to the review counts within the niche and more attention to the review score and the potential to make improvements to the existing offering.

💡 How to Incorporate These Changes in Your Product Research

When you're doing your product research, pay attention to these sales numbers that are now being shown by Amazon. If you're seriously considering selling the product that you're looking at, you need to make sure that you can comfortably afford to buy the amount of units that Amazon is telling customers are being sold by your competitors.

Selling a high-quality product that is able to consistently get highly rated reviews is going to hold way more weight in influencing a customer to click and then to buy. Whilst changing how reviews are shown and showing the number of sales that a product has made may seem like pretty minor changes to the customer, to us Amazon FBA sellers, they are huge changes and they're likely to have a long-standing impact on how we should do our product research.


Q: What are the recent changes that Amazon has made to its website?

A: Amazon has made changes to how sales history and review information is displayed on the search result page.

Q: How does displaying sales figures on the search result page impact how we do our product research?

A: If you can't afford the same amount of stock as others in your niche are selling, then your sales stats that are displayed on that search result page are going to be tiny in comparison to others in your niche. That is going to impact whether the customer decides to click and then ultimately buy from you.

Q: What should I pay attention to when doing my product research?

A: Pay attention to the sales numbers that are now being shown by Amazon and the review score and the potential to make improvements to the existing offering.

Q: How can I ensure that I incorporate these changes in my product research?

A: Make sure that you can comfortably afford to buy the amount of units that Amazon is telling customers are being sold by your competitors. Sell a high-quality product that is able to consistently get highly rated reviews.

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