Amazon FBA has changed.

Amazon FBA has changed.

March 15, 2024
Author: Big Y

🚀 Surviving and Thriving in the Future of Amazon FBA: 4 Essential Tips

If you're an Amazon FBA seller, you know that the platform is constantly changing. With over 10 million sellers expected by 2024, competition is fierce. But don't worry, there are still plenty of opportunities to succeed. In this article, we'll outline four survival tips that will help you not only survive but thrive in the future of Amazon FBA.

Building a Real Brand

The first survival tip is to build a real brand. A brand isn't just a logo or a name. It's when you have loyal customers that love your products and return to buy from you time and time again. You want to be synonymous with whatever niche you're selling in. This is important because one of the biggest keys to success with Amazon FBA is appearing at the top of the search results. In the future, you need people to be actively searching for your brand so you're not only getting sales from people that are searching for a specific product, but also from people that are searching for your brand specifically.

Building Brand Awareness

To build brand awareness, you need to have a top-quality product at the core of your brand. You also need to use influencers to promote your products organically and with paid ads. You should also be building communities on social media platforms where your target customers spend their time. Educate, entertain, and engage them.

Selling Products with Repeat Customers

The third survival tip is to sell products that have repeat customers. Recurring revenue is the Holy Grail in e-commerce. You need to be looking at adding products to your portfolio that customers come back and buy again and again. This is the strategy that we're adopting with our own brand to take us from seven figures to eight figures a year.

Creating Custom Products

The fourth survival tip is to create custom products that stand out. Custom products are a huge advantage in a crowded marketplace. You need to differentiate visually and functionally by adding new or unique functionality that your competition doesn't have. This takes a little bit more time and cash, but it's absolutely something that you can do relatively easily.

Understanding Amazon's A9 Algorithm

To succeed with Amazon FBA in the future, you need to have a deep understanding of how Amazon's A9 algorithm works. You need to get creative with your branding and hero images to make sure that you stand out as much as possible. You also need to have a deep understanding of Amazon SEO and product launches. You can't just put up a listing and wait for the sales to roll in. You need to drive some serious sales velocity in the first few weeks of your launch.


In conclusion, if you want to survive and thrive in the future of Amazon FBA, you need to build a real brand, build brand awareness, sell products with repeat customers, create custom products, and understand Amazon's A9 algorithm. These are the things that are going to keep you alive and get you ahead in the future of Amazon FBA. Remember, the best way to get ready for the future is to start by preparing for it today.

Pros and Cons


- Building a real brand can lead to loyal customers and increased sales

- Selling products with repeat customers can lead to recurring revenue

- Creating custom products can help you stand out in a crowded marketplace


- Building a real brand takes time and effort

- Creating custom products can be more expensive than white labeling

- Understanding Amazon's A9 algorithm can be complex and time-consuming


- Building a real brand is essential for success on Amazon FBA

- Custom products are a huge advantage in a crowded marketplace

- Understanding Amazon's A9 algorithm is crucial for ranking your products

- Selling products with repeat customers can lead to recurring revenue


Q: How do I build a real brand on Amazon FBA?

A: You need to have a top-quality product at the core of your brand and use influencers to promote your products organically and with paid ads. You should also be building communities on social media platforms where your target customers spend their time.

Q: How do I create custom products?

A: You need to differentiate visually and functionally by adding new or unique functionality that your competition doesn't have. This takes a little bit more time and cash, but it's absolutely something that you can do relatively easily.

Q: How do I understand Amazon's A9 algorithm?

A: You need to get creative with your branding and hero images to make sure that you stand out as much as possible. You also need to have a deep understanding of Amazon SEO and product launches.

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