Amazon FBA gurus are f****ing liars...

Amazon FBA gurus are f****ing liars...

March 15, 2024
Author: Big Y

Lies and Truths About Amazon FBA: Exposing the Gurus

Are you tired of seeing countless videos from Amazon FBA gurus promising you the dream of getting rich, living the laptop lifestyle, quitting your nine-to-five, and being your own boss? Do you wonder if Amazon FBA is actually as good as what they're telling you, or if they're just downright lying to you? In this article, we will dive into some of the biggest lies that many YouTube and TikTok videos from less trustworthy Amazon FBA gurus propagate. We will also reveal the truths about Amazon FBA and how you can succeed in this business.

The Truth About the Money You Need

One of the biggest lies that Amazon FBA gurus tell you is that you need way less money than what you actually need to invest in your business. They show you products that are doing huge numbers in revenue and imply that you can do the same with just a few thousand dollars. The truth is that to get to that level of revenue, you need to invest more money or constantly reinvest that money over and over for years to get to that point. It is possible, but not in the exact way that they're leading you to believe.

The Myth of Low Competition Products

Another lie that Amazon FBA gurus tell you is that products with low reviews and high demand are low competition. They make it sound like you can find a niche that nobody else has discovered and get rich quickly. However, the reality is that if you're using the same filters as everyone else, you'll end up looking at the same products that everyone else is looking at. By the time you get to market, the niche is already flooded with new sellers, and the price has tanked.

Winning Products Don't Exist

Amazon FBA gurus love to talk about winning products as if all you need to do is find some Holy Grail product on Alibaba that none of the other 10,000 people doing product research at the same time found. The truth is that the product itself is not as important as you think it is. Top Amazon sellers can make almost any product work with the right budget and execution. It's less about the actual product and more about how you launch it on Amazon.

The Truth About Passive Income

Amazon FBA gurus make it sound like you can launch a product in two to three months and make ten thousand dollars a month in profit working from your laptop on a beach somewhere. The reality is that as a beginner, you're going to need to do a lot of work, and it takes up a lot of time to get everything up and running. You really do need to be able to put in a lot of time and effort into getting the thing up and running and doing it in the right way.

The Truth About Profit Margins

Amazon FBA gurus exaggerate profit margins to make it sound like you're going to be printing cash and making four thousand dollars a month in profit in your back pocket. The truth is that profit margins are just not as high as what they're saying. It is possible to get over that 25-30% mark, but it's not easy, and it's really rare. It's way more likely that you'll fall into that 15-20% margin mark that most successful sellers do.


Amazon FBA is still an amazing business opportunity, and there's still so much opportunity to make really great money selling your own branded products. However, you need to approach it in the right way and be aware of the lies that many Amazon FBA gurus propagate. You should listen to the people that are actually showing they sell on Amazon right now and giving you real solid advice. Remember that Amazon FBA is a real business, and if you stick to it, it's definitely worth it.


- Amazon FBA gurus exaggerate the amount of money you need to invest in your business.

- Products with low reviews and high demand are not low competition.

- Winning products don't exist; it's more about how you launch your product on Amazon.

- Amazon FBA is not completely passive income; it takes a lot of work to get everything up and running.

- Profit margins are not as high as what Amazon FBA gurus say.


Q: Is Amazon FBA a good business opportunity?

A: Yes, Amazon FBA is still an amazing business opportunity, and there's still so much opportunity to make really great money selling your own branded products.

Q: How much money do I need to invest in my Amazon FBA business?

A: The amount of money you need to invest in your Amazon FBA business depends on the product you want to sell and the level of revenue you want to achieve. However, you need to be aware that Amazon FBA gurus exaggerate the amount of money you need to invest in your business.

Q: Is it possible to find a niche that nobody else has discovered?

A: It's highly unlikely that you'll find a niche that nobody else has discovered. Amazon FBA gurus make it sound like you can find a niche that nobody else has discovered and get rich quickly, but the reality is that if you're using the same filters as everyone else, you'll end up looking at the same products that everyone else is looking at.

Q: Is Amazon FBA completely passive income?

A: No, Amazon FBA is not completely passive income. As a beginner, you're going to need to do a lot of work, and it takes up a lot of time to get everything up and running.

Q: What profit margins can I expect from my Amazon FBA business?

A: Profit margins vary depending on the product you're selling and the level of revenue you're achieving. However, you need to be aware that profit margins are not as high as what Amazon FBA gurus say.

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