Amazon FBA Fees Explained For Sellers: Guide To Storage, Referral, & Selling Fees

Amazon FBA Fees Explained For Sellers: Guide To Storage, Referral, & Selling Fees

April 3, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Selling on Amazon

- 2.1 Individual Plan

- 2.2 Professional Plan

3. Requirements to Become a Seller on Amazon

- 3.1 Amazon Account

- 3.2 Registered LLC

- 3.3 Fein Number

4. Monthly Fees

5. Referral Fee

6. Fulfillment Fees

- 6.1 Inventory Storage

- 6.2 Product Size and Weight

7. Calculating Amazon's Cut

8. Finding Profitable Products

- 8.1 Using Viral Launch

- 8.2 Using Helium 10

- 8.3 Using Profit Guru

9. Conclusion

10. Resources

Selling on Amazon: Understanding Fees and Requirements


Are you considering selling on Amazon? It's important to understand the fees involved and the requirements you need to meet. In this article, we'll explore the different plans available, the fees associated with selling, and how to calculate Amazon's cut. We'll also discuss strategies for finding profitable products. So, let's dive in and explore the world of selling on Amazon!

1. Selling on Amazon

When you decide to sell on Amazon, you have two plans to choose from: the Individual Plan and the Professional Plan.

1.1 Individual Plan

The Individual Plan is suitable if you're selling fewer than 40 units a month. It charges a base fee of 99 cents per unit. However, most sellers opt for the Professional Plan due to its additional benefits.

1.2 Professional Plan

The Professional Plan costs $40 per month and offers various advantages. With this plan, you can advertise your products, qualify for top placement on product detail pages, and enjoy Amazon's shipping fulfillment services. It's the preferred choice for serious sellers.

2. Requirements to Become a Seller on Amazon

Before you can start selling on Amazon, there are a few requirements you need to fulfill.

2.1 Amazon Account

To become a seller, you must have an Amazon account. If you don't have one already, create an account on Amazon's website.

2.2 Registered LLC

You'll also need to have a registered Limited Liability Company (LLC) within your state. This is necessary to obtain a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) from the IRS.

2.3 FEIN Number

The FEIN number is crucial for your Amazon seller account. You'll need to provide this number to Amazon during the application process. Amazon may also require additional verification steps, such as video recording and mailing a postcard with a unique number.

3. Monthly Fees

Once you've set up your Amazon seller account, you'll need to consider the monthly fees.

The Professional Plan costs $40 per month, which grants you access to various seller benefits. This fee ensures you can make the most of Amazon's platform and services.

4. Referral Fee

As a seller on Amazon, you'll encounter a fee known as the referral fee. This fee is charged because Amazon refers customers to you as a buyer or seller.

The referral fee varies based on the category of the product you're selling. It can be a minimum of 30 cents or a percentage of the selling price. For example, if you sell a book for $200 and the referral fee is 15%, Amazon will take $30 as a referral fee.

It's important to note that referral fees differ across categories, typically ranging from 10% to 15%. However, when conducting product research, it's advisable not to base your decisions solely on the referral fee percentage.

5. Fulfillment Fees

In addition to the referral fee, Amazon also charges fulfillment fees for storing and shipping your inventory.

5.1 Inventory Storage

The fulfillment fees depend on the size and weight of your products. Amazon categorizes products into small standard, large standard, and oversized based on their dimensions.

To calculate the exact fulfillment fees, you'll need to consider the length, width, and height of your product. Amazon provides detailed guidelines for determining these fees.

5.2 Product Size and Weight

The size and weight of your product play a significant role in determining the fulfillment fees. It's essential to understand the specific requirements and costs associated with different product sizes and weights.

While the exact fees for each category are beyond the scope of this article, it's crucial to be aware of these costs when planning your selling strategy.

6. Calculating Amazon's Cut

To estimate Amazon's cut from your selling price, you need to consider both the referral fee and the fulfillment fee.

Based on the products I sell, Amazon typically takes around 30% of the selling price. This includes the referral fee and the fulfillment fee. However, the exact percentage may vary depending on the category and specific product.

It's worth noting that you don't need to worry excessively about these fees. By finding products that are already selling well, you can ensure a profitable margin even after Amazon's cut.

7. Finding Profitable Products

Finding profitable products is a crucial aspect of selling on Amazon. Here are a few strategies and tools to help you in your product research:

7.1 Using Viral Launch

Viral Launch is a powerful tool that can assist you in identifying potential products. By analyzing market trends, competition, and customer demand, Viral Launch provides valuable insights to help you make informed decisions.

7.2 Using Helium 10

Helium 10 is another popular tool that offers a profitability calculator. With Helium 10, you can input your own manufacturing and shipping costs to calculate potential returns. This detailed analysis helps you determine if a product is worth pursuing.

7.3 Using Profit Guru

Profit Guru is a free tool that provides similar functionality to the paid tools mentioned above. It allows you to input product details and calculate potential profits based on selling price, shipping costs, and other factors.

Remember, thorough product research is essential to find profitable opportunities on Amazon. Utilize these tools to gain insights and make informed decisions.

8. Conclusion

Selling on Amazon can be a lucrative venture if approached strategically. By understanding the fees involved, meeting the necessary requirements, and conducting thorough product research, you can increase your chances of success.

Remember, finding profitable products and optimizing your selling strategy are key to maximizing your profits on Amazon. With the right tools and knowledge, you can navigate the world of Amazon selling with confidence.

9. Resources

- [Amazon Seller Central](

- [Viral Launch](

- [Helium 10](

- [Profit Guru](



Q: How much does it cost to sell on Amazon?

A: Amazon offers two plans: the Individual Plan, which charges 99 cents per unit for sellers selling fewer than 40 units a month, and the Professional Plan, which costs $40 per month and provides additional benefits.

Q: What is a referral fee?

A: The referral fee is a fee charged by Amazon for referring customers to you as a buyer or seller. It varies based on the category of the product you're selling and is typically a percentage of the selling price.

Q: How are fulfillment fees calculated?

A: Fulfillment fees depend on the size and weight of your products. Amazon categorizes products into different sizes, and the fees are determined based on the dimensions of your product.

Q: How can I find profitable products to sell on Amazon?

A: There are several tools available, such as Viral Launch, Helium 10, and Profit Guru, that can assist you in identifying profitable products. These tools provide insights into market trends, competition, and customer demand.

Q: Where can I find more information about selling on Amazon?

A: For more information and to set up your Amazon seller account, visit [Amazon Seller Central](


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