Amazon FBA: Respondiendo a tus preguntas más populares como vendedor de Amazon (Ep2)

Amazon FBA: Respondiendo a tus preguntas más populares como vendedor de Amazon (Ep2)

March 13, 2024
Author: Big Y

📝 Table of Contents


- My Amazon FBA Journey

- Purpose of this Series

Section 1: Newbies

- Do You Need a Seller's Permit to Sell on Amazon?

- Can You Open an Account in Another Country?

- Where to Find Help and Mentorship?

Section 2: Beginners

- Adding Products to Inventory

- Finding Winning Products

- Gated Categories and Products

- Working Out Fees and Costs

- Shipping Products to Amazon

Section 3: Experts

- Q4 Challenges for New Sellers

- Winning the Buy Box

- How Many Products to Buy?

- Avoiding Competition in the Buy Box


- Is Amazon FBA Worth It?

- Final Thoughts



My Amazon FBA Journey

In the last two years, I have generated multiple six figures on Amazon FBA. I started from my house and now own a mini warehouse of my own. When I began my Amazon FBA journey, I had so many questions which I had to answer myself from learning from my mistakes.

Purpose of this Series

This is why I have created this series where I'll be answering your Amazon FBA questions. This is actually the second episode, and you can go watch the first episode right here or here.

Like the previous video, all questions will be split into three sections going from basic to advanced. However, I recommend you watch the entire video as there might be some information in some sections which might benefit you. After the video, if you still have any questions, you can leave them down in the comment section of this video, and I will answer them in the next episode.

Section 1: Newbies

Do You Need a Seller's Permit to Sell on Amazon?

The first question is whether you require a seller's permit if you're in the US to sell on Amazon. I do recommend you get a seller's permit if you're in the US because it will allow you to get access to more wholesalers. In the US, every single wholesaler or most wholesalers do require you to have a sales experiment.

Can You Open an Account in Another Country?

The second question is, can I open an account in another country if I live in another country? If your country does not have Amazon FBA, like for example, this person is in Denmark and they don't have Amazon FBA in their country, I don't recommend you opening an account in another country because most likely you might need some documents from that country, which means you won't be able to open your account at all.

Where to Find Help and Mentorship?

The third question is, there's a lot of resources out there like your amazing channel, thank you so much, but there's not much in terms of accessibility for help for sellers. Do you have any idea on places to reach out to on general help and potential mentorship? Now, I'm holding a free webinar on the 26th of February 2023, where I'll be going literally in the whole concept of how Amazon FBA wholesale works, and everything will be in that webinar. So if you do want to join that webinar, you can use the link in the description to sign up. It's free, by the way, so you can just go in the link and fill in your details, and you will get the details to the webinar. In terms of help or asking questions, again, you can leave any questions in the comment sections of this video, and I'll try my best to answer it either straight in the comment section or in the next episode of this video.

Section 2: Beginners

Adding Products to Inventory

If you want to sell a product on Amazon, is the first choice to go to the actual supplier and get the product from them, or is it to add the product into inventory first? Here's a rule: you must follow when it comes to you selling on Amazon. Always add the product first in your inventory. The reason being is that sometimes a product might be Hazmat, might be a dangerous good, might be a product that Amazon does not store in their warehouses. If that's the case, then you adding the product to inventory will give you the confirmation that this product does not have any issues. So that if you do go ahead and purchase 100 units of that product, then it's not going to waste, and you don't have to waste your time returning the products or even basically taking a loss.

Finding Winning Products

Where is the best place to find winning products? The answer to that question is Google. When you find a product, whether that's through a research method of going on opening an account with a wholesaler and you're going through a catalog, you simply copy the name of that product. First, make sure it's on Amazon. If it is on Amazon, then the next step is to simply go on Google, type in the name of that product followed by the keyword wholesaler or distributor or trader, and then simply do UK, US, wherever you are, press enter. Now you will get a list of hundreds, if not two, three, four hundred suppliers who are selling that exact same product. Your goal is to basically find the cheapest possible supplier out there.

Gated Categories and Products

If you're a brand new seller on Amazon FBA, what categories are gated, and what products are you allowed to sell? When you do big and selling on Amazon, you're mainly gated in almost all the categories except the basic ones. But the top five ones which you should be ungated in first is baby products, health and personal care, groceries, pet supplies, and beauty. These are the five categories which most products you will find would be from these categories. So try and get ungated in these five categories, and if you don't know how to get ungated, I've mentioned it in my last episode, so you can go check it out in that after this video. In terms of what products are you allowed to sell, you're basically allowed to sell any products from any brands as long as there are more than two or three sellers on that listing. To find out how many sellers there are, you can simply scroll down on a listing to the buy box area, click on that, and yo

- End -
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