AI Powered Strategies To Make $274/Day Selling On Amazon (Step By Step)

AI Powered Strategies To Make $274/Day Selling On Amazon (Step By Step)

March 9, 2024
Author: Big Y

The Quickest Way to Start Selling on Amazon with AI

Are you looking to make a six-figure income this year? If so, there's no better way to accomplish that than by selling physical products online. And the best platform to do that on is Amazon. With its large built-in audience of shoppers who are already looking to buy your products, you don't need a website or any technical knowledge. All you need is a product to sell and a camera, and you should be good to go. In this article, we'll show you the quickest way to start selling on Amazon step by step by leveraging the power of AI.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Finding a Product or Niche to Sell

3. Using AI to Find Profitable Products

4. Finding Suppliers

5. Creating a High Converting Listing with AI

6. Making Your Listing Active and Start Selling

7. Pros and Cons of Selling on Amazon

8. Highlights

9. FAQ

Finding a Product or Niche to Sell

The first step to selling on Amazon is finding a product or niche to sell into. The best way to do this is by looking at what you are interested in or knowledgeable about already. You want to sell a product in an area where you have some sort of expertise or an unfair advantage. For example, if you're really into fishing, you can ask AI to give you a list of 10 products that avid fishermen would want to buy that are novel or unique that do not involve electronics or tech.

Once you have a potential product, the next step is to figure out if there's demand for that product and to gauge how much money you can potentially make. You can use a tool called Jungle Scout to see how much that product sells for on Amazon. If you're happy with the potential profit, you can move on to finding a supplier.

Using AI to Find Profitable Products

You can leverage the power of AI to help you find profitable products to sell on Amazon. Chat GPT can give you ideas for products to sell based on your interests or niche. For example, it can suggest glow-in-the-dark fishing line, personalized fishing lures, magnetic wristbands for keeping track of small metal items, and fishing rod carrier slings.

If you don't like any of the ideas that Chat GPT suggests, you can continue to ask it until it gives you a product that you might want to sell. Once you have a potential product, you can use Jungle Scout to see if there's demand for that product and to gauge how much money you can potentially make.

Finding Suppliers

The next step is to find a supplier who can provide you with the product you want at a price that allows you to make a profit. You can use a website like Alibaba to search for manufacturers of the product you want to sell. You can also attend a trade show like The Canton Fair or hire a sourcing agent to help you find a supplier that meets your needs.

When working with the supplier, make sure you have a clear and written agreement about the terms of the deal, including delivery times, payment methods, and returns and guarantees on quality. It's also important to keep open communication with your supplier to ensure that everything goes smoothly.

Creating a High Converting Listing with AI

The most important elements of an Amazon listing aside from the photos are the title and the bullet points. In order for your products to be found on Amazon, you must use the keywords that you found in Jungle Scout in the title and the bullet points. You can leverage the power of AI to create a high converting listing that incorporates these keywords in a well-written fashion that sounds completely natural.

Making Your Listing Active and Start Selling

Once your product arrives from the factory, you can then make your listing active and start selling right away. By leveraging the power of AI, you can quickly and easily find a product to sell, find a brand name and domain, create an Amazon listing, and start selling extremely quickly.

Pros and Cons of Selling on Amazon


- Large built-in audience of shoppers

- No need for a website or technical knowledge

- Easy to get started

- Potential for high profits


- High competition

- Amazon takes a percentage of your sales

- Limited control over your brand and customer experience


- Use AI to find profitable products to sell on Amazon

- Find a supplier who can provide you with the product you want at a price that allows you to make a profit

- Create a high converting listing that incorporates keywords in a well-written fashion

- Make your listing active and start selling right away


Q: Do I need a website to sell on Amazon?

A: No, you don't need a website to sell on Amazon.

Q: How do I find a supplier for my product?

A: You can use a website like Alibaba to search for manufacturers of the product you want to sell. You can also attend a trade show or hire a sourcing agent to help you find a supplier.

Q: How do I create a high converting listing on Amazon?

A: You can leverage the power of AI to create a high converting listing that incorporates keywords in a well-written fashion that sounds completely natural.


- Alibaba:

- Jungle Scout:

- The Canton Fair:


- End -
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