AGI Will Not Be A Chatbot - Autonomy, Acceleration, and Arguments Behind the Scenes

AGI Will Not Be A Chatbot - Autonomy, Acceleration, and Arguments Behind the Scenes

March 17, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. What is AGI?

3. The Definition of AGI by OpenAI

4. Microsoft's Perspective on AGI

5. Financial Considerations and AGI

6. The Vision of Samman and OpenAI

7. The Impact of AGI on Jobs and Automation

8. The Potential of AGI in Various Fields

9. The Power and Capabilities of AGI

10. The Concerns and Risks of AGI



In the last 48 hours, there has been a flurry of articles and interviews revealing key details about our march to artificial general intelligence (AGI). This article aims to extract the most interesting parts and link them to recent developments in the field. The theme that emerges is that the AGI being created by companies like OpenAI is not just a clever chatbot but something much more significant and closer to reality than we might think.

**What is AGI?**

AGI refers to AI systems that are generally smarter than humans. However, the exact definition of AGI is still a matter of debate. OpenAI states that AGI is highly autonomous systems that outperform humans in economically valuable work. The lack of a clear definition poses challenges in understanding the true nature of AGI.

**The Definition of AGI by OpenAI**

OpenAI's board, including Sam

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