Aggressive Amazon FBA Launch Strategy (Rank to #1 By Brute Force)

Aggressive Amazon FBA Launch Strategy (Rank to #1 By Brute Force)

March 14, 2024
Author: Big Y

This is a transcript of a video by Kevin David, a popular Amazon FBA seller. The video is about a strategy to rank a product quickly on Amazon. The strategy is called "aggressive launch strategy" and it involves lowering the price of the product to match the competition, using Amazon PPC to push traffic to the listing, and using external traffic sources such as influencers and social media to drive sales. The goal is to get to the top rankings for the product's keywords so that the listing can start receiving organic traffic. Once the listing is receiving organic traffic, the seller can start raising the price of the product and increasing their profit margins.

The video is very detailed and covers a lot of information. It is recommended to watch the video multiple times if necessary. The video also includes a link to a blog post with more information on the topic.

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