9 Things You Should Never Waste Money On In Business (For Shopify Stores)

9 Things You Should Never Waste Money On In Business (For Shopify Stores)

March 8, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Avoid Spending on Expensive Equipment

3. Wait for Website Readiness Before Paid Advertising

4. Don't Waste Money on Ads Agencies

5. Be Cautious with Cash Advance Services

6. Optimize Your Finances: Checking Accounts and Credit Cards

7. Avoid Unused Software Subscriptions and Apps

8. Be Wary of Hiring SEO Consultants

9. Minimize Excess Staff Hiring

10. Start Small: Don't Splurge on Fancy Offices


As a small business owner, it's crucial to make wise financial decisions to ensure the success and growth of your venture. While there are numerous tools and services available in the market, not all of them are worth your hard-earned money. In this article, we will explore the top things you should avoid spending on as a small business owner. We'll discuss the reasons behind these financial traps and provide you with smarter alternatives to keep your wallet happy. Let's dive in!

1. Avoid Spending on Expensive Equipment

One common mistake many small business owners make is investing in expensive equipment right from the start. While it may seem tempting to have the latest and greatest machinery, it's essential to assess whether you truly need it. Purchasing expensive equipment without a clear demand or understanding of its maintenance costs can quickly become a financial burden. Instead, consider leasing the equipment initially to minimize upfront costs and evaluate its necessity for your business.

2. Wait for Website Readiness Before Paid Advertising

Paid advertising can be an effective way to drive traffic and sales to your online store. However, it's crucial to ensure that your website is ready to convert visitors into customers before investing in ads. Many entrepreneurs make the mistake of running expensive ad campaigns without optimizing their websites for conversions. Before spending a significant amount on ads, consider running a quick poll using services like Pik Fu to gather unbiased feedback on your website's user experience. Fix any issues highlighted by the poll respondents before driving traffic to your site.

3. Don't Waste Money on Ads Agencies

Hiring an ads agency might seem like a convenient solution to handle your marketing efforts. However, as a small business owner, it's essential to understand your business inside out and be actively involved in marketing decisions. Most agencies charge a significant amount for their services, which can be a strain on your budget, especially when you're just starting. Instead, focus on learning the basics of marketing and selling your product yourself. Once you have a solid understanding, you can consider outsourcing specific tasks or hiring experts if necessary.

4. Be Cautious with Cash Advance Services

Running an e-commerce store often requires upfront capital to purchase inventory. While services like Wer, 8 Fig, or Shopify Capital offer loans, their fees and repayment terms can be quite unfavorable. These cash advance services deduct a portion of your sales directly from your Amazon or Shopify account, resulting in high effective interest rates. Instead of relying on such services, explore alternative financing options like SBA loans or utilizing credit cards strategically to fund your inventory needs.

5. Optimize Your Finances: Checking Accounts and Credit Cards

As a small business owner, it's crucial to make the most of your finances. Avoid keeping your money in a checking account that offers no interest. Look for checking accounts specifically designed for e-commerce stores that can earn you interest on your funds. Additionally, choose credit cards that offer maximum rewards and points for your business expenses, such as shipping and advertising. By utilizing the right financial tools, you can save money on travel expenses and other business-related costs.

6. Avoid Unused Software Subscriptions and Apps

The Shopify app store and other platforms offer a wide range of apps and software subscriptions. However, not all of them provide significant value for their recurring fees. Before subscribing to any app or software, carefully evaluate its functionality and return on investment. Many apps can be replaced by contracting out specific tasks or coding them in-house. Invest time in learning basic coding skills to understand the underlying mechanics and avoid overpaying for unnecessary apps.

7. Be Wary of Hiring SEO Consultants

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial for online visibility and organic traffic. While there are reputable SEO consultants, it's essential to be cautious when hiring one. In the early stages of your online store, when you have limited content, hiring an SEO agency might not be worth the investment. Basic SEO techniques can be learned quickly, allowing you to optimize your website yourself. Unless you have a substantial amount of content or require an SEO audit, it's advisable to focus on learning and implementing SEO practices independently.

8. Minimize Excess Staff Hiring

Hiring additional staff might seem like a sign of success, but it's important to consider the costs involved. Human capital is often the most expensive aspect of running a business. Instead of immediately hiring more employees, explore the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation. AI can handle tasks like customer support, content writing, and even basic website design. By leveraging technology, you can reduce costs and increase efficiency, allowing your business to

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