【Save Version ChatGPT Lecture】29 Selections of Ready-to-Use Instruction Sentences / Basic Usage / Email and Meeting Minutes Creation / Scheduling / Generating Ideas for Planning / Creating Surveys / Analyzing Sales Trends / Information Gathering / Summarizing Websites and Videos

【Save Version ChatGPT Lecture】29 Selections of Ready-to-Use Instruction Sentences / Basic Usage / Email and Meeting Minutes Creation / Scheduling / Generating Ideas for Planning / Creating Surveys / Analyzing Sales Trends / Information Gathering / Summarizing Websites and Videos

February 18, 2024
Author: Big Y

Chat GPT: A Comprehensive Guide to Boosting Your Work Efficiency

Are you familiar with Chat GPT? Even if you don't know how to use it, there's no doubt that your work efficiency will skyrocket. In this article, we will teach you how to use Chat GPT effectively to make your work more efficient.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Composing Emails with Chat GPT

3. Creating Pseudo-Transcriptions with Chat GPT

4. Scheduling with Chat GPT

5. Formulating Evaluation Criteria with Chat GPT

6. Comparison and Scoring with Chat GPT

7. Summarizing Websites with Chat GPT

8. Summarizing Videos with Chat GPT

9. Advanced Data Analysis with Chat GPT

10. Reverse Thinking with Chat GPT


Chat GPT is an AI language model developed by OpenAI that can generate human-like text based on a given prompt. It has been trained on a massive amount of text data and can generate text in a wide range of styles and topics. Chat GPT can be used for a variety of tasks, including composing emails, creating transcriptions, scheduling, formulating evaluation criteria, comparison and scoring, summarizing websites and videos, and advanced data analysis.

Composing Emails with Chat GPT

Emails are often created, and if you ask Chat GPT to help you, you can easily compose difficult emails that you might be a little lost in. To compose an email, simply paste the content into the bar at the bottom of the GPT screen. If you enter a prompt and instructions like this one, it will generate an email. For example, if you want to send an apology email to a customer named Mr. Sato, you would like to apologize for the laptop he purchased from you being defective. Please include the following content. It is recommended that you write down the content you want to include in writing. Let's do it immediately and send an email like this.

Pros: Chat GPT can help you compose difficult emails quickly and easily.

Cons: Chat GPT may not always generate the most appropriate email content, so it's important to review and edit the generated content before sending it.

Creating Pseudo-Transcriptions with Chat GPT

There are many transcription tools out there, but you can't create a transcription. When I get them made, most of the time they don't have any difficulty points in them, or they have unnecessary words like um, etc. It's quite difficult to remove unnecessary things and arrange them into proper punishments, so I'm going to do this. I would like to ask Chat GPT to help me. To create a pseudo-transcription, simply paste the transcribed text into the GPT screen. If you enter a prompt and instructions like this one, it will generate a pseudo-transcription.

Pros: Chat GPT can help you create pseudo-transcriptions quickly and easily.

Cons: Chat GPT may not always generate the most accurate pseudo-transcription, so it's important to review and edit the generated content before using it.

Scheduling with Chat GPT

When you want to proceed with a new project, scheduling is often necessary. For example, when a project is launched to update the accounting system in a car, how do you proceed? You can also talk to Chat GPT about such things. To schedule a project, simply enter a prompt and instructions like this one. It will create a monthly schedule.

Pros: Chat GPT can help you create schedules quickly and easily.

Cons: Chat GPT may not always generate the most appropriate schedule, so it's important to review and edit the generated content before using it.

Formulating Evaluation Criteria with Chat GPT

When creating a plan for a new business, it's quite difficult to evaluate each item one by one, so it's a good idea to first formulate evaluation criteria and evaluation items. To formulate evaluation criteria, simply enter a prompt and instructions like this one. It will generate evaluation criteria and evaluation items.

Pros: Chat GPT can help you formulate evaluation criteria quickly and easily.

Cons: Chat GPT may not always generate the most appropriate evaluation criteria, so it's important to review and edit the generated content before using it.

Comparison and Scoring with Chat GPT

To evaluate a new business, it's important to compare and score it using evaluation items. To compare and score a new business, simply enter a prompt and instructions like this one. It will generate a table format for comparison and scoring.

Pros: Chat GPT can help you compare and score new businesses quickly and easily.

Cons: Chat GPT may not always generate the most appropriate comparison and scoring, so it's important to review and edit the generated content before using it.

Summarizing Websites with Chat GPT

To summarize a website, simply enter the URL and have Chat GPT summarize it for you. Chat GPT will generate an answer linked to web searches.

Pros: Chat GPT can help you summarize websites quickly and easily.

Cons: Chat GPT may not always generate the most accurate summary

- End -
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