7 Ways To Make Money Online With ChatGPT For Beginners ($50/Day)

7 Ways To Make Money Online With ChatGPT For Beginners ($50/Day)

March 12, 2024
Author: Big Y

7 Ways to Use the GPT Store to Make Money Online 💰

Are you looking for ways to make money online? Look no further than the GPT Store! OpenAI recently announced the release of the GPT Store, which allows you to sign up for a chat GPT account and access various GPTs that have been fine-tuned to give you specific responses depending on what you want to use them for. In this article, we'll go through seven ways that beginners can use the GPT Store to make money online.

1️⃣ Canva GPT

The Canva GPT is perfect for creating short-form content, specifically motivational short-form videos. You can ask it to give you 20 quotes from famous entrepreneurs in history, and it will instantly provide you with as many as you want. You can then copy and paste those quotes into Canva, where you can use their templates to make short-form reels that you can upload to Instagram or TikTok. The Canva GPT is also useful if you want to write a short ebook. You can ask it for 10 titles for a specific ebook in a specific category, and it will write the entire ebook for you.

2️⃣ Helium 10 GPT

The Helium 10 GPT is perfect for those looking to sell on Amazon. You can have a one-on-one conversation with it and get responses back on products that are selling well right now. You can give it specific characteristics for the product you want to sell, and it will come back with different product ideas that you can use the Helium 10 product research tool to validate. This GPT is helpful for beginners who don't know where to start and want to ask specific questions about specific products they're thinking about selling.

3️⃣ Email Newsletter GPT

Starting an email newsletter can be beneficial when it comes to starting an online business. You can generate income from multiple sources, including affiliate marketing, selling your own products and services, and sponsorships. However, the hardest part is coming up with email ideas and writing the emails yourself. The Email Newsletter GPT can help you with this part of the process. You can ask it which emails are the best ones depending on which email newsletter you want to build and be specific when it comes to telling it what type of emails you want to send out based on the type of audience you've grown on your email list.

4️⃣ Hostinger GPT

The Hostinger GPT is perfect for building up a passive income machine. You can have a conversation with it when it comes to giving you ideas on which type of affiliate marketing website is the best one to build that's going to bring you the most profit. It can give you different ideas for different niches that you'll be happy to grow and build when it comes to putting effort into your website. You can sign up to Hostinger for as little as $2 per month and combine the power of the Hostinger GPT with the Hostinger AI website builder when it comes to using it to help you with the description that you're going to copy and paste into the builder as well as using it to help you with the brand name.

5️⃣ Blog Article GPT

The Blog Article GPT is perfect for those looking to write blog articles. You can ask it to give you ideas for your next 10 articles and be specific when it comes to letting it know that you want articles that have a high chance of ranking on Google. You can even ask it to write the entire article for you, although it's recommended that you switch up words here and there to avoid having 100% AI-written content. The Write GPT can make sure that necessary keywords are inserted throughout the article, giving it a better chance of getting ranked on the first page of Google.

6️⃣ VidIQ GPT

The VidIQ GPT is perfect for coming up with viral YouTube video ideas. You can use it to come up with YouTube channel ideas, YouTube video ideas, and to help you with the YouTube description, which is essential when it comes to YouTube SEO and getting your videos ranked as high as possible in the YouTube search results. You can use this GPT in combination with the actual software to get quick answers and validate information.

7️⃣ Stock Advice GPT

The Stock Advice GPT is perfect for finding similar index funds to the S&P 500 so that you can have a diverse portfolio. While you shouldn't be getting financial advice from an AI, you can use this GPT to assist you in finding the best ETF to put a small amount of money into.

In conclusion, the GPT Store is a powerful tool that can help beginners make money online. By using the various GPTs available, you can speed up the process of creating content, finding profitable products to sell, and building up a passive income machine.

Pros and Cons


- Speeds up the process of creating content

- Helps find profitable products to sell

- Assists in building up a passive income machine

- Saves time, energy, and money

- Provides quick answers and ideas


- AI-written content may not be 100% reliable

- Shouldn't be used as the sole source of financial advice


- The GPT Store allows you to sign up for a chat GPT account and access various GPTs that have been fine-tuned to give you specific responses depending on what you want to use them for.

- The Canva GPT is perfect for creating short-form content, specifically motivational short-form videos.

- The Helium 10 GPT is perfect for those looking to sell on Amazon.

- The Email Newsletter GPT can help you with coming up with email ideas and writing the emails yourself.

- The Hostinger GPT is perfect for building up a passive income machine.

- The Blog Article GPT is perfect for those looking to write blog articles.

- The VidIQ GPT is perfect for coming up with viral YouTube video ideas.

- The Stock Advice GPT is perfect for finding similar index funds to the S&P 500 so that you can have a diverse portfolio.


Q: Can I rely on AI-written content?

A: While AI-written content can be helpful, it's recommended that you switch up words here and there to avoid having 100% AI-written content.

Q: Can I use the GPT Store as the sole source of financial advice?

A: No, you shouldn't be getting financial advice from an AI.

Q: Can I use the GPT Store to make money online as a beginner?

A: Yes, the GPT Store is a powerful tool that can help beginners make money online.

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