7 Side Hustles That Make Me $5800 Per Day (Working From Home)

7 Side Hustles That Make Me $5800 Per Day (Working From Home)

March 7, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Side Hustle 1: E-commerce - Selling Physical Products Online

3. Side Hustle 2: YouTube Channel - Making Passive Income from Ads

4. Side Hustle 3: Blogging - Generating Revenue through Affiliate Marketing and Display Ads

5. Side Hustle 4: Online Courses - Teaching and Sharing Knowledge

6. Side Hustle 5: Podcasting - Interviewing Successful Entrepreneurs

7. Side Hustle 6: E-commerce Conference - Building Community and Networking

8. The Power of Compound Benefits

9. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore seven different side hustles that have allowed me to consistently earn over $5,800 per day in passive income for the past seven years. These side hustles are not rocket science and can be pursued by anyone with dedication and hard work. While each stream requires initial effort to set up, once you gain momentum, you can make money while you sleep. I will provide insights into the upfront work required, the difficulty of maintaining each passive income stream, and the time it took me to establish them.

Side Hustle 1: E-commerce - Selling Physical Products Online

🚀 **E-commerce: Selling Physical Products Online**

The first side hustle I ever started was an online store selling handkerchiefs. Within one year, my wife and I made over $100,000 in profit, and today, it has grown into a seven-figure business. E-commerce allows you to leverage technology to automate most of the heavy lifting, such as order processing. You can choose between dropshipping, Amazon FBA, or using a third-party logistics provider (3PL) to handle inventory and shipping. Starting an e-commerce store requires finding a product and driving traffic to your listings. While it may take time to establish, once set up, it becomes relatively straightforward to maintain.


- Potential for high-profit margins

- Automation and scalability

- Flexibility in product selection


- Initial effort required to set up the store

- Competition in the e-commerce space

Side Hustle 2: YouTube Channel - Making Passive Income from Ads

🎥 **YouTube Channel: Making Passive Income from Ads**

My YouTube channel generates almost $1,000 per day in ad revenue, providing a truly passive income stream. Starting a YouTube channel requires minimal equipment, such as a smartphone, microphone, and basic editing software. Consistency is key to success, and committing to regular video uploads is crucial. While it may take time to gain traction and start making money, once you build an audience, maintaining the channel becomes more manageable.


- Passive income from ad revenue

- Low initial investment in equipment

- Potential for exponential growth


- Long time frame to start making significant money

- Need to consistently produce high-quality content

Side Hustle 3: Blogging - Generating Revenue through Affiliate Marketing and Display Ads

💻 **Blogging: Generating Revenue through Affiliate Marketing and Display Ads**

My blog, mywifequitterjob.com, generates several hundred thousand dollars per year through various income streams. Affiliate marketing is one of the main revenue sources, where I earn a commission for sales generated through product reviews. Display ads, managed by Mediavine, provide additional passive income. Starting a blog requires creating valuable content, optimizing for search engines, and building an audience. While it may take time to see substantial returns, the revenue potential increases as your blog gains momentum.


- Multiple income streams (affiliate marketing, display ads, online courses)

- Evergreen content that generates passive income over time

- Opportunity to establish authority and build a personal brand


- Initial time investment to create valuable content

- Need to learn SEO and marketing strategies

Side Hustle 4: Online Courses - Teaching and Sharing Knowledge

🎓 **Online Courses: Teaching and Sharing Knowledge**

I offer two online courses: "Profitable Online Store" and "Profitable Audience." These courses provide in-depth knowledge on starting an e-commerce store and making passive income through blogging, YouTube, and podcasting. Unlike many other courses, I offer lifetime access for a single fee, ensuring transparency and value for my students. Online courses require creating comprehensive content, marketing, and providing ongoing support. While it may take time to establish credibility and attract students, the potential for high earnings exists.


- High-profit potential per student

- Ability to leverage expertise and share knowledge

- Lifetime access model for increased value


- Initial effort to create course content

- End -
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