6 BEST WAYS TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE IN 2024 (Passive Income $100/day)

6 BEST WAYS TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE IN 2024 (Passive Income $100/day)

March 12, 2024
Author: Big Y

🌟 5 Passive Income Ideas to Make Money Online

Are you looking for ways to earn a source of income online in a passive way? If so, you've come to the right place. In this article, we'll go through some of the key things you need to know before building up your streams of passive income. We'll cover five different ways to earn a passive source of income, including building a short-form content platform, building a niche email list, promoting other people's products and services, ranking information articles on Google, and publishing evergreen videos on YouTube.

Building a Short-Form Content Platform

One of the first ways to earn a passive source of income is by building a faceless short-form content platform. This involves using platforms like Instagram, TikTok, YouTube shorts, and Pinterest to upload short-form pieces of content with the intention of building a platform that you can monetize in a number of different ways. The reason why building a short-form content platform is a passive way to earn money is that you don't necessarily need to show your face on camera or use your own voice in the videos. This means that there's an opportunity to outsource the work or use AI technology to create the content.

Building a Niche Email List

Another way to earn a passive source of income is by building up a niche email list. This involves building a newsletter and focusing on a specific niche. The reason why this is a great opportunity to make money is that you're going to have direct communication with the person that signed up to your newsletter. This means that you can email them at any time of the day with no issues. When it comes to building up an email list, it's something that you're going to be able to always own. You can outsource the work when it comes to writing the actual emails that you're going to be sending out. You can also automate the emails, write them in bulk, and send them out far into the future.

Promoting Other People's Products and Services

Another way to earn a passive source of income is by promoting other people's products and services. You can find products and services that you can promote where you're going to be able to promote that product just once. If someone clicks on your link and buys the product that you're promoting, you're going to be able to continuously keep earning a source of income from that initial sale. Doing this method of affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to increase your chances of being able to earn a passive source of income.

Ranking Information Articles on Google

One of the things that I always have to remind you guys is that Google is the most visited website and the most visited search engine in the entire world. This means that millions and billions of people are going onto it every single month. Building a website and ranking information articles on Google can earn you a passive source of income. You don't really have to do anything with the website. You can hire a writer and a website designer. You can oversee everything and collect all of the money that you're going to be able to make from multiple different sources.

Publishing Evergreen Videos on YouTube

YouTube is the second most visited website in the entire world and the second most popular search engine in the entire world after Google. If you're able to produce evergreen content that you know people are actively searching for every single day, you're going to be able to earn money from the ads that are going to be played on the video. You're going to be able to promote whatever product or service that you want to promote. You can start faceless YouTube channels where you don't need to show your face or use your own voice. You can outsource that to various different people that are going to be able to handle every single element of running a YouTube channel.

Pros and Cons

Each of these passive income ideas has its own pros and cons. Building a short-form content platform is great because you don't need to show your face on camera or use your own voice in the videos. However, it can be challenging to build up an audience. Building a niche email list is great because you're going to have direct communication with the person that signed up to your newsletter. However, it can be challenging to get people to sign up. Promoting other people's products and services is great because you can continuously keep earning a source of income from that initial sale. However, it can be challenging to find the right products and services to promote. Ranking information articles on Google is great because you don't really have to do anything with the website. However, it can be challenging to get your website to rank on the first page of Google. Publishing evergreen videos on YouTube is great because you can start faceless YouTube channels where you don't need to show your face or use your own voice. However, it can be challenging to produce high-quality videos.


- Building a short-form content platform is a passive way to earn money without showing your face on camera or using your own voice in the videos.

- Building a niche email list is a great opportunity to make money by having direct communication with the person that signed up to your newsletter.

- Promoting other people's products and services is one of the best ways to increase your chances of being able to earn a passive source of income.

- Ranking information articles on Google can earn you a passive source of income without really having to do anything with the website.

- Publishing evergreen videos on YouTube is a great way to earn money from the ads that are going to be played on the video.


Q: What is a passive source of income?

A: A passive source of income is essentially where you're able to either put money into something or extra time into it up front and you're going to put yourself in a position where you're going to be able to earn money from it over the foreseeable future.

Q: What are some ways to earn a passive source of income?

A: Some ways to earn a passive source of income include building a short-form content platform, building a niche email list, promoting other people's products and services, ranking information articles on Google, and publishing evergreen videos on YouTube.

Q: What are the pros and cons of each passive income idea?

A: Each passive income idea has its own pros and cons. Building a short-form content platform is great because you don't need to show your face on camera or use your own voice in the videos. Building a niche email list is great because you're going to have direct communication with the person that signed up to your newsletter. Promoting other people's products and services is great because you can continuously keep earning a source of income from that initial sale. Ranking information articles on Google is great because you don't really have to do anything with the website. Publishing evergreen videos on YouTube is great because you can start faceless YouTube channels where you don't need to show your face or use your own voice.

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