5 Things You MUST Do Before Starting Product Research (Amazon FBA)

5 Things You MUST Do Before Starting Product Research (Amazon FBA)

March 14, 2024
Author: Big Y

**5 Things You Must Know Before You Start Product Research**

* **Restricted Products**

**What are restricted products?**

Restricted products are products that have certain restrictions on Amazon or that you're not allowed to sell at all. This is a big no-no for Amazon and can get you into trouble if you sell the wrong thing.

**Where can I find a list of restricted products?**

You can find a list of restricted products on the Amazon Seller Central forums. Here are some of the most common restricted products:

* Alcoholic beverages

* Vehicle tires

* Gift cards

* Drugs

* Tobacco products

**How do I know if a product is restricted?**

If you're not sure if a product is restricted, you can always check with Amazon Seller Central. They have a list of all restricted products and can help you determine if a product is allowed on Amazon.

**What are the risks of selling restricted products?**

If you sell a restricted product, Amazon may take it down, suspend your account, or even sue you. It's not worth the risk.

**How can I avoid selling restricted products?**

Before you start product research, make sure you check the list of restricted products. If you're not sure if a product is restricted, don't sell it.

**Pro Tip:** If you find a product that you think is restricted, but you can't find it on the list, you can always contact Amazon Seller Central and ask them.

**2. Hazmat Program**

**What is the Hazmat Program?**

The Hazmat Program is a set of regulations that apply to products that are considered hazardous materials. These products can be dangerous to handle and ship, so they have special requirements.

**What are some examples of Hazmat products?**

Some common examples of Hazmat products include:

* Batteries

* Power banks

* Cameras

* Mobile phones

* Battery chargers

* Magnets

* Flammable gases

* Flammable liquids

**Do I need to worry about the Hazmat Program?**

If you're selling products that contain batteries, you'll need to comply with the Hazmat Program. You'll also need to comply with the Hazmat Program if you're selling products that are considered flammable or corrosive.

**How can I avoid Hazmat products?**

If you're not sure if a product is Hazmat, you can always check with the manufacturer. You can also check the Amazon Seller Central forums for a list of Hazmat products.

**Pro Tip:** If you're selling products that contain batteries, you can avoid the Hazmat Program by using a battery removal service. This service will remove the batteries from your products before they're shipped, so you don't have to worry about complying with the Hazmat Program.

**3. Seasonal Products**

**What are seasonal products?**

Seasonal products are products that are only popular during certain times of the year. For example, Christmas decorations are only popular during the holiday season.

**What are the risks of selling seasonal products?**

The biggest risk of selling seasonal products is that you won't be able to sell them year-round. This can lead to cash flow problems if you order too much product.

**How can I tell if a product is seasonal?**

You can use a few different ways to tell if a product is seasonal. One way is to look at the product's sales history. If the product only sells well during certain times of the year, it's probably a seasonal product.

You can also use Google Trends to see how the product's popularity changes over time. If the product's popularity spikes during certain times of the year, it's probably a seasonal product.

**How can I avoid selling seasonal products?**

If you're concerned about cash flow, you should avoid selling seasonal products. You can also try to sell seasonal products during the off-season by offering discounts or promotions.

**Pro Tip:** If you're selling seasonal products, you should make sure you have a plan for what you're going to do with the unsold product after the season is over. You can sell it at a discount, donate it to charity, or recycle it.

**4. Patent and Trademark Checks**

**What are patents and trademarks?**

Patents and trademarks are both forms of intellectual property. Patents protect inventions, while trademarks protect brand names.

**What do I need to know about patents and trademarks when doing product research?**

When you're doing product research, you need to make sure that you're not infringing on any patents or trademarks. You can do this by checking

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