5 Side Hustles That make me $10,000+ a month In 2023 (10 Hrs/Week)

5 Side Hustles That make me $10,000+ a month In 2023 (10 Hrs/Week)

March 13, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. UGC and Creating Short Form Content for Brands

3. YouTube: Creating Long Form Content

4. Affiliate Marketing: Earning Commissions

5. Amazon FBA Wholesale: Selling Products

6. Coaching: Helping Others Succeed

7. Choosing the Right Side Hustle

8. Pros and Cons of Each Side Hustle

9. Tips for Success in Side Hustles

10. Conclusion


In the last two years, I've explored various side hustles, and today I want to share with you the five dinosaurs that have been incredibly successful for me. These side hustles have not only generated over 10,000 pounds per month but have also required minimal time and effort. Before diving into each side hustle, let's take a closer look at what they are and how they can benefit you.

1. UGC and Creating Short Form Content for Brands

UGC, or User-Generated Content, involves making short videos of 15 to 30 seconds for brands. These videos promote the brand's products or services and help them reach a wider audience. I stumbled upon this side hustle when I started making TikTok videos during the UK lockdown. Initially, I created motivational videos, but later, I shifted my focus to finance-related content. It took me eight months to make my first hundred dollars, but once I hit one million followers, brands started reaching out to collaborate. The key to success in this

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