5 Amazon Selling Tips You Didn’t Know (Amazon Seller Central Tutorial 2023)

5 Amazon Selling Tips You Didn’t Know (Amazon Seller Central Tutorial 2023)

February 22, 2024
Author: Big Y

📝 Ultimate Guide to Amazon Seller Central: 5 Sections You Need to Know

Are you an Amazon seller looking to optimize your business? Look no further than Amazon Seller Central, the platform that allows you to manage your inventory, sales, and customer interactions all in one place. In this guide, we'll cover the five essential sections of Seller Central that every seller should know about. From inventory management to brand protection, we'll provide you with all the information you need to succeed on Amazon.

Section 1: Inventory Management with Amazon Warehousing and Distribution (AWD)

If you're an Amazon seller, you know how important it is to keep your inventory stocked and ready to ship. That's where Amazon Warehousing and Distribution (AWD) comes in. AWD is Amazon's own version of a 3PL (third-party logistics) service, allowing you to send all your inventory from your manufacturer to AWD before going to FBA's warehouses. From there, AWD replenishes that stock to FBA fulfillment centers, preventing stockouts and simplifying inventory management.

The benefits of using AWD include:

- Exemption from seller storage quantity limits

- Increased buy box wins

- Simplified inventory management for multi-channel fulfillment

- Fulfillment to almost all channels, including brick and mortar wholesale channels (coming soon)

However, AWD is currently only available for products that are smaller than 18 inches on any side, weigh less than 20 pounds, and are non-perishable. The fees for AWD include storage fees of 42 cents per cubic foot from January to September and 80 cents from October to December, processing fees of $2 per carton, and transportation fees of $1 per cubic foot.

Section 2: Reports and Currency Services with Seller Wallet

As an Amazon seller, you want to make sure you're getting paid in the currency you prefer. That's where Seller Wallet comes in. Seller Wallet is Amazon's own version of popular currency services such as World First, OFX, and Payoneer. Currently only available for North American seller accounts that receive USD payouts, Seller Wallet allows you to take control of your transfer and choose when and how much of your USD to convert into your local currency.

Section 3: Brand Management with Customer Reviews

Customer reviews are essential to your success as an Amazon seller, but what do you do when you receive critical reviews? That's where Brand Management with Customer Reviews comes in. This section allows you to see reviews on your products over the past 90 days and respond to critical reviews within that time frame. Reviews with star ratings above four stars do not have a contact option, but those at three stars or below can be reached out to via Amazon's system. You can offer those buyers a courtesy refund, and there's a better chance that they will either adapt or remove that review.

Section 4: Partner Network with Explore Services

Amazon's Partner Network allows you to explore recommended services, from accounting and tax services to design and translation services. You can filter by where you're based, where you wish to sell, or which service you need help with. You can also sort by popularity or rating to see which services are the best, along with the price, number of requests, and overall rating by sellers. Clicking into one allows you to see more details on that specific service, read the reviews, and contact that service directly.

Section 5: Brand Protection with Transparency Program and Referral Bonus

Brand Protection is essential to stop counterfeiting of your products and report violations of your brand and other IP. You can enroll your products into Amazon's Transparency Program, and unique codes are generated and applied to each of your products. When your products arrive at fulfillment centers or before they go to customers, Amazon can scan that code and ensure that they are authentic. Any products that lack that code are sidelined and will not make it to your customers, avoiding any counterfeits.

The Brand Referral Bonus program allows you to earn credits towards your future referral fees. You can add a little tag within your link that drives customers to Amazon, and each time your off-Amazon marketing efforts drive more customers to Amazon, you have the chance to make about 10 percent on that purchase. The percentage of the purchase or sell price you can make varies between 4 and 14 percent, depending on the category.

Pros and Cons


- All-in-one platform for managing inventory, sales, and customer interactions

- Exemption from seller storage quantity limits with AWD

- Increased buy box wins with AWD

- Simplified inventory management for multi-channel fulfillment with AWD

- Brand protection with Transparency Program

- Earn credits towards your future referral fees with Brand Referral Bonus program


- AWD is currently only available for products that are smaller than 18 inches on any side, weigh less than 20 pounds, and are non-perishable

- Fees for AWD can add up quickly

- Seller Wallet is currently only available for North American seller accounts that receive USD payouts


- Amazon Warehousing and Distribution (AWD) allows you to prevent stockouts and simplify inventory management

- Seller Wallet allows you to take control of your transfer and choose when and how much of your USD to convert into your local currency

- Brand Management with Customer Reviews allows you to respond to critical reviews within 90 days

- Partner Network with Explore Services allows you to explore recommended services

- Brand Protection with Transparency Program and Referral Bonus allows you to stop counterfeiting of your products and earn credits towards your future referral fees


Q: What is Amazon Warehousing and Distribution (AWD)?

A: AWD is Amazon's own version of a 3PL service, allowing you to send all your inventory from your manufacturer to AWD before going to FBA's warehouses. From there, AWD replenishes that stock to FBA fulfillment centers, preventing stockouts and simplifying inventory management.

Q: What is Seller Wallet?

A: Seller Wallet is Amazon's own version of popular currency services such as World First, OFX, and Payoneer. Currently only available for North American seller accounts that receive USD payouts, Seller Wallet allows you to take control of your transfer and choose when and how much of your USD to convert into your local currency.

Q: What is the Brand Referral Bonus program?

A: The Brand Referral Bonus program allows you to earn credits towards your future referral fees. You can add a little tag within your link that drives customers to Amazon, and each time your off-Amazon marketing efforts drive more customers to Amazon, you have the chance to make about 10 percent on that purchase. The percentage of the purchase or sell price you can make varies between 4 and 14 percent, depending on the category.


- [Amazon Warehousing and Distribution (AWD)](https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/external/200966900)

- [Seller Wallet](https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/external/201074360)

- [Brand Management with Customer Reviews](https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/external/201749990)

- [Partner Network with Explore Services](https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/external/201749980)

- [Brand Protection with Transparency Program and Referral Bonus](https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/external/201749970)

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