[2022] 3 selected examples of digital transformation in the retail industry! [Retail Digital Transformation]

[2022] 3 selected examples of digital transformation in the retail industry! [Retail Digital Transformation]

April 6, 2024
Author: Big Y

πŸ›οΈ Digital Reform in Retail Industry: Examples and Services

The retail industry has been undergoing significant changes due to diversification and the impact of infectious diseases. As a result, many retail stores are introducing new services and systems to respond to consumer needs in the new normal era. Digital reform in the retail industry is attracting particular attention, and in this article, we will explain examples of digital reform in the industry and what is needed to advance the reform.

πŸ“ˆ OMO: The Marketing Concept Driving Digital Reform

One of the reasons why digital reform is required in businesses is the idea of OMO. OMO is a marketing concept that aims to improve customer convenience by fusing online and offline. However, since OMO has attracted attention, there is a need to link customer information from e-commerce sites and physical stores to increase customer retention.

πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³ Fumar: A Chinese Fresh Produce Supermarket

Digital reform at overseas retail stores has been implemented successfully. Fumar, a Chinese fresh produce supermarket operated by Alibaba, is one of the stores that has successfully implemented digital transformation. Fumar has responded to the diversifying needs of consumers by linking physical stores and e-commerce sites. By scanning the QR code near the product, you can check the producer information. Products that have been confirmed in stores can be purchased from the comfort of your home on a delicious website. Delivery within 3km can be delivered in as little as 30 minutes, meeting a wide range of consumer needs. Another major point is that they have introduced unattended payments using QR codes to reduce labor costs.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Walmart: The American Retail Giant

Walmart has been working on digital reform by promoting IT in collaboration with Bolmer, which is based on the amount of light in the United States. Starting today, May 2014, Walmart has begun actively acquiring vintage and apparel-related digital brands. It has avoided forcing these brands into marts that protect them and has instead maintained existing fans while gathering a lot of customer data. As a result, they were able to capture the second-largest share of the American e-commerce market after Amazon. The evolution of their app can also be said to be a factor in the success of their digital transformation. It is equipped with a variety of convenient functions such as making reservations, sending cash, and receiving prescriptions.

🏠 Cainz: A Major Home Improvement Center in Japan

Digital reform in the retail industry is also progressing in Japan. Cainz, a major home improvement center, is using IT and AI technologies. Efforts are underway to make shopping more fun and convenient. One such initiative is the development of an app, Find in Cainz, that allows you to search for product departments and schools. With the app, you can quickly find products even in large stores. This has reduced the need for staff to search for the best product or guide customers to the sales floor, making it more efficient and free of charge. Cainz provides services not only for general consumers but also for professionals such as construction companies. An example of this is "Cain's Dash Pro," where you can search for a product and have it reserved at a store, or you can order a product that is not stocked in the store. Both services make good use of IT technology to improve convenience.

πŸ’» Services That Will Help You Implement IT in Your Store

To advance digital reform in the retail industry, it is essential to introduce services and tools that are suitable for your company. Here, we will introduce services that will be useful in promoting IT conversion.

πŸ“± Store Class

Store Class is a cloud service that solves communication and management issues at the Association. When operating many stores, it is difficult to confirm whether the information sent is being communicated to all staff members. It takes time to collect and check information from each store. There are many cases where staff members at each store feel that the communication methods from the headquarters are disjointed and difficult to understand. There is a lack of communication between staff. Staff at each store may feel that they want to share success stories from other tents. Store Class is a service that solves the above-mentioned problems faced by staff at headquarters and each store. It has an intuitive operation screen that anyone can use easily. You will be notified when business communications or instructions have been received. You don't have to worry about forgetting to read or omitting work. You can easily share success stories and improvement examples from each store, so you can strengthen connections and aim to increase profits. Just download the app without making difficult settings, and you can deploy it to stores.

πŸ€– Digital Workforce

Digital Workforce is a service that supports work style reform and digital reform by linking the cloud and in-house systems. In-house inventory management systems and bosses will also be useful for digital reform in the retail industry, as system apps and e-commerce sites can be seamlessly connected. It is highly secure, so there is no need to worry about customer information or sales data being leaked. In addition to internal systems, it can also be used for chat work, etc. It is also possible to link with communication tools such as Slack. By linking with various external tools, you will be able to significantly improve the efficiency of your work.

πŸ“ Conclusion

In order to improve work efficiency while responding to the diversification of consumer needs, digital technology is essential. Reform is essential. There is no need to simply carry out large-scale reforms. It is important to link existing systems and share know-how. There are many tools available that are useful in promoting digital reform. Therefore, it is a good idea to use them as needed.

Pros and Cons


- Digital reform can improve customer convenience and increase customer retention.

- Digital reform can reduce labor costs and streamline operations.

- Digital reform can improve work efficiency and increase profits.


- Digital reform can be expensive to implement.

- Digital reform can be difficult to coordinate with existing systems.

- Digital reform can require significant changes to business processes.

🌟 Highlights

- Digital reform in the retail industry is attracting particular attention.

- Examples of successful digital reform include Fumar, Walmart, and Cainz.

- Services that will help you implement IT in your store include Store Class and Digital Workforce.

πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ FAQ

Q: What is OMO?

A: OMO is a marketing concept that aims to improve customer convenience by fusing online and offline.

Q: What is Store Class?

A: Store Class is a cloud service that solves communication and management issues at the Association.

Q: What is Digital Workforce?

A: Digital Workforce is a service that supports work style reform and digital reform by linking the cloud and in-house systems.


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