4 Side Hustles That No One Is Doing In 2023 ($1000+ Per Day)

4 Side Hustles That No One Is Doing In 2023 ($1000+ Per Day)

March 16, 2024
Author: Big Y

Four Side Hustles That Can Make You Over $1,000 Per Day

Are you tired of your 9-5 job and looking for ways to make extra money? Look no further! In this article, we will discuss four side hustles that can make you over $1,000 per day. The best part? All of these side hustles require zero dollars to get started.

Table of Contents

1. **UGC Video Creation**

2. **High Ticket Salesman**

3. **Drone Pilot**

4. **One Product Store Drop Shipping**

UGC Video Creation

Tick Tock is the fastest growing social media platform, and right now, there's a huge opportunity as thousands of new brands every single week attempt to advertise on this platform. However, the problem with advertising on Tick Tock is that high-quality videos don't work. Users don't want to feel like they're being sold to, which introduces the side hustle called UGC or otherwise known as user-generated content.

Average people are needed by these brands to shoot simple content for their products, and it actually pays extremely well. On average, a UGC video will pay you around $100, and these clips don't even have to be longer than one minute in length.

To start this side hustle, it requires zero dollars, and you can easily make five to ten thousand dollars per month from the comfort of your own home. The most difficult part of this side hustle is learning how to create the content and finding clients. To get clients, all you need to do is find products that you currently have inside your house, create some videos with those products so you'll have some samples in your portfolio, and then you can find different companies that are in demand of these services by going on Twitter and looking up hashtag UGC creators wanted.

High Ticket Salesman

The online education industry is expected to hit 166 billion dollars in 2023. Most people think that you need to be selling online courses to take advantage of this lucrative opportunity, but most people don't know that the people selling these courses need someone who can get on the phone with potential customers and ease their purchasing decision, which introduces the side hustle of a high ticket core salesman.

Most people cringe when they think of being a salesman because they think of an untrustworthy slimy person who will say anything in order to get a sale. However, what makes this sales position completely different is that you're only talking to warm leads, meaning that each of the people that you're talking to booked a call because they're already interested in your product, which is completely different than cold sales where you're contacting uninterested buyers, which is why this position is so lucrative.

On average, you can make 10 to 15 percent of each product you sell. The average ticket price is anywhere from three thousand to ten thousand US Dollars, meaning that on every sale, you'll make either $300 or $1,000. The thing is, you don't even need to be a good salesman to get people to buy the products. The art is in being able to be a good listener and make sure they're a good fit for the program.

Drone Pilot

Flying is one of the most exhilarating things in the world, but did you know that you could get paid a ton of money for it also? And no, I'm not talking about flying airplanes. I'm talking about its little brother drone. The demand for drone pilots is expected to grow over 51% over the next five years, with sales projections to reach over 16 billion dollars in 2030.

Now, it might sound complicated to fly a drone, but if you've ever played video games before, then you're going to pick this up really quickly. Not only is this side hustle fun, but it pays on average $50 to $200 per hour. The craziest part is that there's only 250,000 drone pilots registered in the entire country.

The thing is, most of these registered pilots aren't even offering their services, which has created huge demand for potential gigs like real estate land survey, search and rescue, but by far the most lucrative is 3D mapping, which is the process of surveying an area and creating a 3D map, which is an automated process that certain drones are capable of.

One Product Store Drop Shipping

If you've ever purchased a product online, then chances are you've bought a product from a drop shipper. Dropshipping is one of the hottest business models right now because it's extremely lucrative. While a lot of people think this business model is saturated, let me go over an unsaturated part of this business model that you can make tons of profit and easily over $1,000 in dollars per day with this side hustle.

The method I would use is a one-product store dropshipping approach. The reason why I recommend this strategy is you're able to focus all of your efforts on marketing one single product. If you aren't aware of how the dropshipping business model works, it's super simple. You're essentially a middleman. You find products on wholesale Chinese websites like AliExpress, you list those products on your website, and every time someone orders that product, you get to keep the profit in between.

The reason why this is so lucrative is that the profit margin is generally very high. You can usually take products on AliExpress for ten dollars and list them for thirty dollars. If you're able to create content on these short-form platforms, then you're going to be able to get customers to your business for completely no cost.

While this side hustle might take a little bit more time and a little bit more effort than some of the other side hustles I went over, this one by far has the largest potential. Last month, I started a new dropshipping store, and we were able to take it from zero to a hundred thirty-five thousand dollars in less than 30 days' time. Of course, that's an unrealistic number for a beginner getting into this business, but the potential is limitless, and right now is the prime time to get into this business model.


- UGC video creation can make you $100 per video, and you can easily make five to ten thousand dollars per month from the comfort of your own home.

- High ticket salesmen can make 10 to 15 percent of each product they sell, and the average ticket price is anywhere from three thousand to ten thousand US Dollars.

- Drone pilots can make $50 to $200 per hour, and the demand for drone pilots is expected to grow over 51% over the next five years.

- One product store dropshipping approach can make you tons of profit and easily over $1,000 in dollars per day.


Q: Do I need to have experience to become a high ticket salesman?

A: No, you don't need to be a good salesman to get people to buy the products. The art is in being able to be a good listener and make sure they're a good fit for the program.

Q: How much does it cost to start a drone pilot side hustle?

A: It could easily cost you over a thousand dollars to start, but you can also start this out with as little as zero dollars.

Q: Is the dropshipping business model saturated?

A: While a lot of people think this business model is saturated, there are still unsaturated parts of this business model that you can make tons of profit and easily over $1,000 in dollars per day with this side hustle.


- AliExpress: https://www.aliexpress.com/

- Cap Cut: https://www.capcut.com/

- Tick Tock: https://www.tiktok.com/

- UGC Creators Wanted: https://twitter.com/search?q=%23ugccreatorswanted&src=typed_query

- Drone Pilot Job: https://www.indeed.com/q-Drone-Pilot-jobs.html

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