30 Small Business Ideas YOU Can Start Under $100 (HOW TO START NOW) Products to Sell Online

30 Small Business Ideas YOU Can Start Under $100 (HOW TO START NOW) Products to Sell Online

March 18, 2024
Author: Big Y

30 Business Ideas for Women: From Digital Products to Inventory-Based Businesses

Are you a woman looking to start your own business? Do you want to make money online but don't know where to start? Look no further! In this article, we have compiled a list of 30 business ideas for women that you can start with little to no money. From digital products to inventory-based businesses, there's something for everyone. So, let's dive in!

Digital Product Businesses

1. **Content Calendars** - With three out of four people dreaming of being a content creator, there's a huge market for content calendars. You can sell these to help aspiring content creators or even experienced ones stay organized and on a consistent posting schedule.

2. **Digital Planners** - The possibilities are endless with digital planners. You can create different styles and themes to sell to people who want to stay organized.

3. **Fitness Guides** - If you're on a personal fitness journey or enjoy this niche, why not sell a guide on it? You can sell workout routines or other fitness-related content.

4. **Weekly Meal Planners** - If you're already planning out your meals, why not share them and make some money while doing it?

5. **Cookbooks and Recipes** - Cookbooks are a popular digital product that you can start selling. You can create your own recipes or compile others' recipes to sell.

6. **Printable Wall Art** - You can create simple designs using free tools and sell them as printable wall art. These are easy to make and can be sold multiple times.

7. **Travel Guides and Itineraries** - If you've been on some awesome vacations, you can create itineraries to sell to people who are planning on going to the same destination.

8. **Mom Guides, Kid Printable Activities, or Coloring Pages** - Moms are always looking for activities for their kids. You can create printables and activities for parents and kids.

9. **E

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