2023 - Amazon Barcodes EXPLAINED (UPC, GS1, FNSKUs) - Complete Walkthrough Tutorial

2023 - Amazon Barcodes EXPLAINED (UPC, GS1, FNSKUs) - Complete Walkthrough Tutorial

March 14, 2024
Author: Big Y

Everything You Need to Know About Barcodes for Amazon

Are you looking to sell products on Amazon? Then you need to know about barcodes. In this article, we'll cover everything you need to know about barcodes for Amazon, including how to get them, what to look out for, and how to avoid errors.

What Are Barcodes?

Barcodes are a series of lines and spaces that represent a product's unique identification number. They are used to track inventory, prevent counterfeiting, and ensure that products are legitimate.


GTIN stands for Global Trade Item Number. It is an umbrella term used to describe barcodes on Amazon. GTINs are effectively the same as UPCs (Universal Product Codes). Essentially, GTINs and UPCs are interchangeable on Amazon.


UPC stands for Universal Product Code. UPCs are used in the United States and Canada and are the most common option for listing products on Amazon. If you're doing retail arbitrage, just grab the UPC from the back of the product and put it into Amazon's system.


EAN stands for European Article Number. It is essentially a UPC for Europe. If you're selling in the European market, this is probably what you'll be using.


ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number. It is used for books and is required for reselling books on Amazon.


FN SKU stands for Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit. It is an Amazon barcode that is used to identify items and products entering Amazon's FBA warehouse. FN SKUs are used to track inventory within the Amazon ecosystem. You will need to provide your supplier with a product's FN SKU before it is shipped into the warehouse.

How to Get a UPC Code

To get a UPC code, you need to register with GS1. GS1 is the official source for UPC codes. You can purchase a single UPC for $30 or a 10-pack for $250 with annual fees. If you're doing private label, you'll need to get your own UPC code.

How Many UPCs Do I Need?

You need a different UPC for every type of product you have, including variations. For example, if you're selling T-shirts in three sizes, three colors, and three styles, you'll need 27 different UPCs.


Do I Need an FN SKU for Amazon FBM?

No, you do not need an FN SKU for Amazon FBM (Fulfillment by Merchant).

Will a GS1 Barcode Work Outside North America?

Yes, a GS1 barcode will work for any Amazon marketplace.

Do You Recommend Purchasing Barcodes from Third-Party Sites?

No, we do not recommend purchasing barcodes from third-party sites. They are not tied to GS1's database, which can cause errors.

Will the GS1 Barcode Get Rid of Error Code 5665?

Yes, the GS1 barcode will get rid of error code 5665, which is a brand approval error.

In conclusion, barcodes are an essential part of selling products on Amazon. Make sure you get your UPCs from GS1 and get an FN SKU for your products once they are in Amazon's FBA warehouse. With this knowledge, you'll be able to avoid errors and sell your products with confidence.

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