2023 February Fiscal Year End Financial Results Briefing Video

2023 February Fiscal Year End Financial Results Briefing Video

April 6, 2024
Author: Big Y

Adastria Co., Ltd. announced its mid-term management plan and its progress. Under the mid-term management plan, the company is pursuing four major growth strategies: multi-brand, multi-category evolution; digital customer contact and services; glocal; and new business. For multi-brand, multi-category evolution, the company is strengthening the characteristics of each brand, and for growth brands, it is expanding product categories and increasing the number of stores. For digital customer contact and services, the company is accelerating the rollout of staff boards on SNS and is working to improve its logistics costs by introducing Nekoposu. For glocal, the company is expanding its business in mainland China and the United States, and it is also taking on the challenge of creating a new revenue model by launching a license business for FOREVER21. For new business, the company is working to establish a food and beverage business. In addition, the company is reporting on the progress of its sustainability initiatives. Finally, the company is discussing the progress and evaluation of the quantitative plan of the mid-term management plan for the fiscal year ending February 2023.

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