China is a monster that destroys democratic countries around the world" - Taiwanese youth who have begun to realize the danger of China. Why are Taiwanese youth so interested in politics? [The Fact Report]

China is a monster that destroys democratic countries around the world" - Taiwanese youth who have begun to realize the danger of China. Why are Taiwanese youth so interested in politics? [The Fact Report]

April 4, 2024
Author: Big Y

The Historic Victory of Tsai Ing-wen in Taiwan's Presidential Election

In January of this year, Tsai Ing-wen was re-elected as Taiwan's president, with a historic overwhelming victory. The turnout exceeded 70%, mainly among young people. This article will explore the reasons behind her victory and the implications for Taiwan's relationship with China.

The Background

Tsai Ing-wen is known for her hard-line stance on China. The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) she leads has been advocating for Taiwan's independence, which is a red line for China. In the past, China has used various means to pressure Taiwan, including military threats, economic sanctions, and diplomatic isolation. However, Tsai's victory shows that the Taiwanese people are not intimidated by China's coercion.

The Reasons for Victory

There are several reasons why Tsai was able to achieve such a historic overwhelming victory. First, she has a strong track record of promoting democracy, human rights, and social justice. Second, she has successfully managed Taiwan's economy, which has been growing steadily despite the global economic slowdown. Third, she has effectively countered China's propaganda and disinformation campaigns, which have been trying to undermine her credibility and legitimacy.

The Implications for Taiwan-China Relations

China sees Taiwan as a renegade province that must be reunified with the mainland, by force if necessary. However, the Taiwanese people have a strong sense of national identity and do not want to be ruled by China. Tsai's victory shows that the Taiwanese people are willing to defend their democracy and freedom, even at the risk of provoking China.

The threat from China is likely to increase, as it sees Taiwan's growing independence movement as a challenge to its own legitimacy. China may try to increase its military pressure, economic coercion, and diplomatic isolation of Taiwan. However, the United States and other democratic countries have expressed their support for Taiwan's democracy and sovereignty, and have enacted various laws to back up their words.

Pros and Cons


- Tsai Ing-wen has a strong track record of promoting democracy, human rights, and social justice.

- Taiwan's economy has been growing steadily despite the global economic slowdown.

- The Taiwanese people have a strong sense of national identity and are willing to defend their democracy and freedom.


- China sees Taiwan as a renegade province that must be reunified with the mainland, by force if necessary.

- China may try to increase its military pressure, economic coercion, and diplomatic isolation of Taiwan.


- Tsai Ing-wen's historic overwhelming victory in Taiwan's presidential election shows that the Taiwanese people are willing to defend their democracy and freedom, even at the risk of provoking China.

- China sees Taiwan's growing independence movement as a challenge to its own legitimacy, and may try to increase its military pressure, economic coercion, and diplomatic isolation of Taiwan.

- The United States and other democratic countries have expressed their support for Taiwan's democracy and sovereignty, and have enacted various laws to back up their words.


Q: Why does China want to reunify with Taiwan?

A: China sees Taiwan as a renegade province that must be reunified with the mainland, by force if necessary.

Q: Why did Tsai Ing-wen win the presidential election in Taiwan?

A: Tsai has a strong track record of promoting democracy, human rights, and social justice, and has effectively countered China's propaganda and disinformation campaigns.

Q: What is the United States' stance on Taiwan?

A: The United States and other democratic countries have expressed their support for Taiwan's democracy and sovereignty, and have enacted various laws to back up their words.


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