10 Amazon product ideas with insanely high potential

10 Amazon product ideas with insanely high potential

March 15, 2024
Author: Big Y

In this video, we're going to look at 8 different products that are selling very well on Amazon right now. We'll look at the product title, images, bullet points, and pricing. We'll also give you some tips on how to find similar products that you can sell on Amazon.

**Product 1: Pet Bird Seed**

This product is a 25kg bag of bird seed that is selling for €28.49. It has a very short title and no bullet points. The images are also not very good. They're just pictures of the product on a white background.

**Product 2: Pet Blanket**

This product is a red circle that is selling for €39.90. It has a very short title and no bullet points. The images are also not very good. They're just pictures of the product on a white background.

**Product 3: Sauna Scent Concentrate**

This product is a bottle of sauna scent concentrate that is selling for €17,700. It has a very long title and a lot of bullet points. The images are also very good. They show the product being used in a sauna.

**Product 4: Tarpaulin for Pool**

This product is a tarpaulin that is selling for €48.33. It has a very short title and no bullet points. The images are also not very good. They're just pictures of the product on a white background.

**Product 5: Kircher Replacement Protective Cover**

This product is a replacement protective cover for a window cleaner that is selling for €17,700. It has a very long title and a lot of bullet points. The images are also very good. They show the product being used on a window.

**Product 6: Macdart Dartboard Surrounds**

This product is a dartboard surround that is selling for €39.90. It has a very short title and no bullet points. The images are also not very good. They're just pictures of the product on a white background.

**Product 7: Rautis Pasture Blanket**

This product is a winter blanket for pets that is selling for €10,700. It has a very long title and a lot of bullet points. The images are also very good. They show the product being used on a pet.

**Product 8: Budgie Food**

This product is a 25kg bag of budgie food that is selling for €28.49. It has a very short title and no bullet points. The images are also not very good. They're just pictures of the product on a white background.

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