[For 2026 graduates] Regrit Partners

[For 2026 graduates] Regrit Partners

April 6, 2024
Author: Big Y

Q: What are the expectations for new graduates? A: I think that people who are willing to create their own name as a brand without relying on the company's brand or signage will really be able to succeed at Special.

Q: What kind of expenses do people have to be successful? A: People who are willing to create their own name as a brand without relying on the company's brand or signage will really be able to succeed at Special.

Q: What is the difference between strategy and strategy? A: Strategy consulting is, after all, the management team that deals with corporate issues. Issues that arise and executives - Well, the strategy is to approach the top of the list when you categorize the issues faced by general managers and those faced by those in the field. I think it's a consulting firm, but I think it's a general consulting firm version, but it's not just about strategy, it's about informing not only the upstream but also the field, and looking at it from a one-stop shop. Well, I'm wondering if there's a difference in the overall quality.

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