Payroll Details

Payroll Details

April 6, 2024
Author: Big Y

Table of Contents

H2: Introduction

- Brief overview of Adastria

- Purpose of the article

H2: Adastria's Average Annual Salary

- Adastria's average annual salary

- Average annual salary by age group

- Comparison with other companies

H2: Adastria's Brands

- Overview of Adastria's brands

- Popular brands

- Multi-brand, multi-category value chain

H2: Adastria's Head Office

- Location of Adastria's head office

- History of Adastria

- Company's operations

H2: Adastria's Salary by Age Range

- Average annual income by age range

- Comparison with other companies

- Pros and cons of Adastria's salary structure

H2: Adastria's Work Culture

- Work-life balance at Adastria

- Employee benefits

- Company culture

H2: Adastria's Future Plans

- Expansion plans

- New product launches

- Company's vision for the future

H2: Adastria's Sustainability Efforts

- Environmental initiatives

- Social responsibility efforts

- Impact on the fashion industry

H2: Adastria's Competitors

- Comparison with other fashion companies

- Strengths and weaknesses of Adastria's competitors

- Market share analysis

H2: Conclusion

- Summary of Adastria's key points

- Final thoughts

Adastria: A Comprehensive Overview of the Japanese Fashion Company

Adastria is a Japanese fashion company that specializes in casual clothing and miscellaneous goods. The company was founded in 1953 and is headquartered in Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo. Adastria is a multi-brand, multi-category value chain that handles everything from planning to manufacturing. The company has eight brands, including popular ones that are well-known in Japan.

Adastria's Average Annual Salary

Adastria's average annual salary is about 5.3 million yen. The company's salary structure is based on age range, with those in their 20s earning an average of 3.5 million yen and those in their 60s earning about 4.3 million yen. Adastria's salary is competitive compared to other fashion companies in Japan. However, some employees may find the salary structure limiting, as it is based on age range rather than job performance.

Adastria's Brands

Adastria's brands are diverse and cater to different demographics. The company's multi-brand, multi-category value chain allows it to offer a wide range of products. Some of Adastria's popular brands include Lowrys Farm, Earth Music & Ecology, and Global Work. Adastria's brands are known for their quality and affordability, making them popular among Japanese consumers.

Adastria's Head Office

Adastria's head office is located in Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo. The company's history dates back to 1953 when it was founded. Adastria's operations include planning, design, production, and sales. The company's head office is a hub for its operations, and it is where the company's vision and strategy are developed.

Adastria's Salary by Age Range

Adastria's salary structure is based on age range, with those in their 20s earning an average of 3.5 million yen and those in their 60s earning about 4.3 million yen. The salary structure has its pros and cons. On the one hand, it ensures that employees are paid fairly based on their age and experience. On the other hand, it may limit employees' earning potential if they are not promoted to higher positions.

Adastria's Work Culture

Adastria's work culture is known for its emphasis on work-life balance. The company offers various employee benefits, including paid time off, health insurance, and retirement plans. Adastria's company culture is also known for its inclusivity and diversity. The company values its employees and strives to create a positive work environment.

Adastria's Future Plans

Adastria has ambitious plans for the future. The company aims to expand its operations globally and launch new products. Adastria's vision is to become a leading fashion company that offers high-quality products at affordable prices. The company's future plans are exciting and promising, and they reflect Adastria's commitment to innovation and growth.

Adastria's Sustainability Efforts

Adastria is committed to sustainability and social responsibility. The company has implemented various environmental initiatives, such as reducing waste and using eco-friendly materials. Adastria also supports social responsibility efforts, such as donating to charities and supporting local communities. Adastria's sustainability efforts are commendable and reflect the company's commitment to making a positive impact on the fashion industry.

Adastria's Competitors

Adastria's competitors include other fashion companies in Japan, such as Fast Retailing and Onward Holdings. Adastria's strengths include its diverse range of brands and its commitment to sustainability. However, the company also faces challenges, such as increasing competition and changing consumer preferences. Adastria's market share analysis shows that the company has a strong presence in Japan but may need to expand globally to remain competitive.


Adastria is a Japanese fashion company that offers high-quality products at affordable prices. The company's multi-brand, multi-category value chain allows it to cater to different demographics and offer a wide range of products. Adastria's commitment to sustainability and social responsibility is commendable, and the company's future plans are exciting. Overall, Adastria is a promising fashion company that is worth watching in the coming years.


- Adastria is a Japanese fashion company that specializes in casual clothing and miscellaneous goods.

- The company's salary structure is based on age range, with those in their 20s earning an average of 3.5 million yen and those in their 60s earning about 4.3 million yen.

- Adastria's brands are diverse and cater to different demographics.

- Adastria's work culture is known for its emphasis on work-life balance.

- The company aims to expand its operations globally and launch new products.

- Adastria is committed to sustainability and social responsibility.


Q: What is Adastria?

A: Adastria is a Japanese fashion company that specializes in casual clothing and miscellaneous goods.

Q: What is Adastria's average annual salary?

A: Adastria's average annual salary is about 5.3 million yen.

Q: What are Adastria's popular brands?

A: Adastria's popular brands include Lowrys Farm, Earth Music & Ecology, and Global Work.

Q: What is Adastria's work culture like?

A: Adastria's work culture is known for its emphasis on work-life balance and inclusivity.

Q: What are Adastria's future plans?

A: Adastria aims to expand its operations globally and launch new products.

Q: Is Adastria committed to sustainability?

A: Yes, Adastria is committed to sustainability and social responsibility.

- End -
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