Secret Tips for Utilizing ChatGPT that I Don't Really Want to Share

Secret Tips for Utilizing ChatGPT that I Don't Really Want to Share

February 18, 2024
Author: Big Y

How to Use Chat GPT in a Convenient Way

Are you tired of using Chat GPT the same old way? Do you want to improve the efficiency and quality of your work? Look no further than Chat Hub, a tool that allows you to use multiple AIs at once. In this article, we'll go over how to use Chat GPT in a convenient way, step by step.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. The Problem with Using Chat GPT Alone

3. The Solution: Chat Hub

4. How to Use Chat Hub

5. API Mode and GPT4 Turbo

6. Conclusion


Chat GPT is a powerful tool for generating text, but using it alone can be limiting. You may find yourself getting stuck on certain prompts or receiving inaccurate responses. That's where Chat Hub comes in. With Chat Hub, you can use multiple AIs at once, increasing your chances of getting accurate and helpful responses.

The Problem with Using Chat GPT Alone

When you use Chat GPT alone, you're limited to the responses generated by that one AI. This can be problematic because Chat GPT is not always accurate or helpful. Additionally, using Chat GPT alone can be time-consuming, as you may need to try multiple prompts before getting a satisfactory response.

The Solution: Chat Hub

Chat Hub is a tool that allows you to use multiple AIs at once. With Chat Hub, you can send prompts to Chat GPT, Claude, Bird, Ring, and Paplexi all in one go. This makes it much easier to get accurate and helpful responses, as you can choose the best answer from multiple AIs.

How to Use Chat Hub

To use Chat Hub, you'll need to install the extension on Chrome. Once you've done that, you'll see a screen with four boxes: Chat GPT, Claude, Bird, and Ping. You can choose up to six AIs to use at once, and you can change which AIs are in each box.

To use Chat Hub, simply enter your prompt in the box at the bottom of the screen and click "Send." Your prompt will be sent to all of the AIs you've selected. Once you receive responses, you can choose the best one for your needs.

API Mode and GPT4 Turbo

If you want to take your Chat GPT usage to the next level, you can use API mode and GPT4 Turbo. API mode allows you to use Chat GPT in conjunction with other tools, while GPT4 Turbo is a new language model that can handle up to 1218,000 tokens. This means you can post up to 100,000 characters in one chat.

To use API mode and GPT4 Turbo, you'll need to insert your API key and switch to GPT4 Turbo mode. This will allow you to use Chat GPT in conjunction with other tools and post longer messages.


Using Chat GPT alone can be limiting, but with Chat Hub, you can use multiple AIs at once and get accurate and helpful responses. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, Chat Hub is a tool that can help you get the most out of Chat GPT. So why not give it a try today?


- Chat Hub allows you to use multiple AIs at once, increasing your chances of getting accurate and helpful responses.

- API mode and GPT4 Turbo allow you to use Chat GPT in conjunction with other tools and post longer messages.

- Chat Hub is a free tool that can help you get the most out of Chat GPT.


Q: Is Chat Hub free to use?

A: Yes, Chat Hub is a free tool that allows you to use multiple AIs at once.

Q: Can I use Chat GPT in conjunction with other tools?

A: Yes, you can use API mode to use Chat GPT in conjunction with other tools.

Q: How many AIs can I use with Chat Hub?

A: You can choose up to six AIs to use with Chat Hub.

Q: Can I post longer messages with Chat Hub?

A: Yes, you can use GPT4 Turbo to post longer messages with Chat GPT.


- Chat Hub:

- Chat GPT:

- GPT4 Turbo:

- End -
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