$1000 in 48 Hours All You Need Is A Phone (Easy AI Side Hustle)

$1000 in 48 Hours All You Need Is A Phone (Easy AI Side Hustle)

March 18, 2024
Author: Big Y

How to Make $11,000 in Two Days Using Your Phone and Social Media

Are you looking for a way to make money using just your phone and social media? Look no further than the new app from Nid AI. With this app, you can give it a single prompt and it will create an entire ready-to-publish video right from your phone. You can upload this video to Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, or YouTube and get paid. Many people don't realize that all of these different platforms are paying people to create videos. In this article, we will show you how to get started and how anyone can do this from anywhere in less than 10 minutes.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. How to Find the Right Niche

3. Using Chat GPT to Find Video Ideas

4. Using Vid IQ to Optimize Your Videos

5. Creating Your Video with Nid AI

6. Editing Your Video with Nid AI

7. Uploading Your Video to Social Media

8. Monetizing Your Videos

9. Pros and Cons of Using Nid AI

10. Conclusion

How to Find the Right Niche

Before you start creating videos, you need to find the right niche. You want to make sure that you have some kind of interest in whatever niche you go into because the worst thing that can happen is you get stuck in a niche that you absolutely hate and then you end up getting burnt out. To find the right niche, you can head on over to Chat GPT and ask it to give you the top 10 YouTube niches or you can ask for the top 20 or top 30. You can give it whatever number you like and it will give you a list of a ton of different niches that are doing well on YouTube right now.

Using Chat GPT to Find Video Ideas

Once you have found your niche, you can also ask Chat GPT to give you some video ideas for that particular niche. You can ask for 20, 30, 40, or 100 different video ideas for your niche and it will give you a ton of stuff that you can choose from. What I usually do from there is I'll use a YouTube tool like Vid IQ that will actually make sure that the keywords that I am plugging in from these ideas are ones that are doing well on YouTube.

Using Vid IQ to Optimize Your Videos

Vid IQ also has an AI coach that you can actually ask it to give you YouTube video ideas. You can ask it how you can get more views and because this is tailored directly toward YouTube, they also have a Tik Tok one as well. They will be able to give you better results than Chat GPT would. Vid IQ is a great tool to use to optimize your videos and make sure that they are getting the most views possible.

Creating Your Video with Nid AI

Now that you have your niche and your video idea, it's time to create your video with Nid AI. When you are logged into Nid AI's app, the first thing you're going to see is a prompt box. This is where you will type out your sentence to tell it what type of video you want to create. You want to be as detailed as you can be so that it can make the right video that you want. Once you submit your prompt, Nid AI will ask you a few more questions to make sure they are giving you the best results that you are looking for.

Editing Your Video with Nid AI

If you're not happy with the video that Nid AI created, you can always come down to the bottom and click the regenerate tab and it will create an entirely new video for you based on those same prompts that you gave it. If you want to make changes to the video, you can come to the edit command box and type in whatever changes you want it to make. You can change the voice over, add a joke, or even edit the script.

Uploading Your Video to Social Media

Once you are happy with your video, it's time to upload it to social media. You should post at least once a day if you can do it twice or three times a day that's even better. You should post to more than one platform because a video may do well on one over another. Posting daily will help you to reach those monetization thresholds that are needed in order for you to start getting paid.

Monetizing Your Videos

In order to start getting paid, you have to have at least 500 subscribers on YouTube, three public videos uploaded in the last 90 days, and 3,000 watch time hours in the last year. With shorts, you have to have three million views in the last 90 days. On Facebook, you need 500 followers for you to start being able to earn money and on Tik Tok, you need 10,000.

Pros and Cons of Using Nid AI


- Easy to use

- Saves time

- Creates high-quality videos

- Can be used for multiple platforms


- Limited customization options

- Can be expensive for the paid plans


In conclusion, Nid AI is a great tool to use if you want to create videos quickly and easily. It's perfect for those who are just starting out and don't have a lot of experience with video creation. With Nid AI, you can create high-quality videos that can be uploaded to multiple platforms. Just remember to find the right niche, use Chat GPT and Vid IQ to optimize your videos, and post daily to reach those monetization thresholds.

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