【Tracé de graphiques avec Python】Guide d'utilisation de matplotlib ! 〜 Pour débutants 〜 Introduction à la programmation

【Tracé de graphiques avec Python】Guide d'utilisation de matplotlib ! 〜 Pour débutants 〜 Introduction à la programmation

April 6, 2024
Auteur: Big Y

How to draw graphs with Python and use them for matrix plots

In this video, we will learn how to draw graphs with Python and how to use them for matrix plots. After watching this video, you will be able to quickly create graphs using Kurakata Python. So, please watch until the end.

Terminology of matrix plotting

Before drawing the graph, we will explain the terminology of matrix plotting that we will use this time to draw the graph. Of course, you don't need to memorize all of this. Once you have quickly looked at the parts that the graph has and the type of protons it has, you can feel and remember these parts during the demonstration and act accordingly.

Drawing a graph

We will draw a graph like this from now on, but the first thing we will do is to draw this part of the canvas as a figure, and then we will draw the x-axis of one of the graphs in the figure. Since we are accessing this drawn area on the y-axis, the most fundamental thing is to draw an access graph area on a figure canvas. The situation is like this, but multiple accesses can be made on one figure. We can also draw it like this: The horizontal axis is the x-axis, and the vertical axis is the label for the x-axis, and the y-axis is the label for the y-axis. The scale of the x-axis should be x points, and the scale of the y-axis should be "per point". The title of the graph should be "General Business Purchases". The explanatory part of the graph should be "legend". We also call the ruled lines grids.

How to draw graphs with Python

First of all, you need to have Mat Pro and Liv installed in advance. In this video, you can do your own research. I have set the color theme of the Jupiter Notebook to dark to make it easier to see. But if I set it immediately, I think it will be a white screen. In this video, you can do your own research. I have set the color theme of the Jupiter Notebook to dark to make it easier to see. But if I set it immediately, I think it will be a white screen.

How to draw a bar graph

When I tried to draw a bar graph, the access object of the plotting method was drawn as a bar instead of a plot. The arguments that call the method are essentially the same as those for plotting, so for example, let's change only the method "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa better today" to the bar method.

How to draw a scatter plot

A scatter plot can be used to see the relationship between two given values. For example, the relationship between two values such as monster and height. For scatter plots, call the scatter method of the access object. It's the same as the previous graphs.

How to draw a histogram

A histogram is useful when using data grammar. You can divide it into 4 straight intervals and check the number of data that corresponds to that interval. For example, let's check what kind of distribution the test scores have for the 2nd year 1st district 3. For the histogram, use the list method of the access object. The first argument is the target data. In this case, we will use everyone's test scores. You can specify the scores in a list.

How to save the graph as an image in a file

It is very simple to save the graph as an image in a file. Just call the Seibu Fig method of the figure object you just created. Specify the file path you want to save as an argument. So, in this state, use the Seibu Phil figure object to pin the tailwind.


If you want to draw a graph using the data you have, please try using Mat Prodlib. You can draw the graph in Excel, but if there is data in Python, it would be more convenient to create a graph using Python. If you have any questions about the content of the video, please leave them in the comments section and I will try to answer as much as possible.

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